Published December 29, 2021 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Study of reliability of technical systems reliability

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
  • 2. National Transport University
  • 3. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • 4. Limited Liability Company ACADEMBUDSERVICE
  • 5. Limited Liability Company "Drogobych Truck Crane Plant"


The main states of reliability of a technical system and its elements are investigated by the example of vibration platforms for compacting concrete mixtures. Experimental studies on the development of vibration platforms for failure have been carried out. Complex indicators were used, which were the coefficient of technical utilization, the coefficient of availability and durability. The received data of malfunctions was made by fixing by groups of prefabricated units, parts and ele- ments to determine the data on their operating time. Based on these data, the analysis of the operating time of the main elements to failure and the most frequently out of order was carried out. The conducted research identified the main prefabricated units and failing parts: engine, gearbox, synchronizer, vibration exciter, propeller shafts, couplings. At the same time, propeller shafts and couplings most often failed. In some cases, the destruction of bearings in vibration exciters has been evidenced. The parameters of the Weibull distribution law have been determined and graphs have been constructed for the model of reliability and failures of propeller shafts of vibration platforms. A graph of the dependence of reliability on the operating time and graphs of the regularities of the distribution of resource indicators and the distribution function, which served as information for the development of recommendations, were built.


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