Published December 29, 2021 | Version v1
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Research of the processes of acoustic cavitation technology for processing dispersed media

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
  • 2. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The operation process of acoustic treatment of technological media is investigated. The assessment and substantiation of methods for studying the parameters of acoustic treatment of technological media is done. The functional relationships between the acoustic parameters of the cavitation apparatus and the rheological properties of the processing technological media have been revealed. The process of staged acoustic treatment of technological media is described. A number of criteria and key parameters were determined, the use of which was carried out as an assessment in the calculation algorithm, depending on certain known initial data of the cavitator and the medium. The values of the input resistance of the compensator are determined and the condition for the maximum transfer of energy from the acoustic apparatus to the technological medium is obtained. To calculate the parameters of the «cavitator – technological medium» ultrasonic cavitation system, an algorithm and method for creating a synergistic system were developed.


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