Published January 2, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The hundred years of wind industry development in Russia. Part 2

  • 1. Kuban' State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
  • 2. 2 National Research University MPEI
  • 3. Technical Center Windeq, Moscow


There is presented the 2nd part of the article that points on the financial arrangements for wind station development, the principle investors and equipment producers. The work presents an analysis of 100-year development of the Russian scientific school, implementations of their concepts, the principle designs of wind turbine. There are noticed the roles of N.E. Zhukovsky as a founder of Russian wind industy, and of his pupils, activities of  sucg institutions as CAHI, Central Wind-Industrial, Electrification and Mechanization of Agriculture, NPO Vetroen. There are pointed on the principle achievements of the Soviet wind industry: a wind power plant in Balaklava (100 kW, 1931), wind engines VD-8 (1300 units, 1936), Arctic wind power stations CVEI-D-12 (15 kW, 1936), a wind-diesel station in Kazakhstan (400 kW, 1957).

The article reviews the first wind plants in the CIS countries, in Crimea - 110 MW on the base of the KB Yuzhnoe (Dnepropetrovsk) wind turbines, at Kulikovo village in Kaliningrad region – 5.1 MW, gives a list of the major wind and wind-diesel plants and evaluates the prospects of Russian wind industry development.



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