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Published May 18, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Development and Implementation of a Microcontroller based Remote Control of a Single Phase Induction Motor Using Radio Frequency

  • 1. Department of Electrical /Electronic Engineering, Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria


In this paper the development and implementation of speed control of a single phase induction motor through radio frequency module is presented. The proposed speed control method enables the user to operate an induction motor remotely. In this scheme any button on the remote can be used for the speed control of the induction motor. Whenever any push button switch of remote controller is pressed on the remote control, the transmitter transmits the wireless signal to the receiver module. Subsequently, this signal was decoded by the decoder and the firing angle of ac voltage controller can be controlled.


Development and Implementation of a Microcontroller based Remote Control of a Single Phase Induction Motor Using Radio Frequency Edited 1.pdf