Published January 6, 2015 | Version v1
Report Open

More knowledge needed to ensure safe use of botanicals in food

  • 1. German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment


Communication of DTU, ANSES and BfR 
The challenges related to assessing the safety of botanicals in foods and food supplements and regulating their use were highlighted at a conference held in Denmark in November 2014. The conference identified a need for more data to be generated on the risks botanicals pose to human health. Participants also called for harmonisation of approaches and systems between countries so that scientific information can be easily shared supporting the safe use of botanicals and paving the way for greater cross-agency cooperation. The conference was organised by the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark along with the French institute for risk assessment, ANSES, and the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).


DE; en;


More knowledge needed to ensure safe use of botanicals in food_TEC_DE_en_06-01-2015.pdf

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