Published December 21, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Social Manipulations in Advertising: Impact on Consumers' Perception of a Product

  • 1. National Research University Higher School of Economics


Manipulations in advertising are rarely regarded as a sociolinguistics factor of influence. Having found the disparate classification of impact on people’s desire to buy products, we aim to provide a full description list of manipulation features in the field of advertisement. It presents deeper comprehension of marketing discourse of psychological impact and protects from spontaneous decisions those consumers who pretend to obtain each thing that was promoted. After regarding the theoretical specification of manipulations in printed and video advertising and its general usage by involving the buyer in the trading process, we identify the most common classification of ways to influence the consumer including peculiarities of verbal and written utterance. These designations became the theoretical basis for analysis of advertisements while questioner was devoted to find out social awareness of Russians about marketing impact and its ways of resistance. Hence, we propose the description of the most used varieties of manipulations in advertising both in the domestic and foreign markets with an extensive analysis of examples of such promotions and with the assumption that it is necessary to develop ways to counter such manipulations.


Penzina, Reshetnikova, Umarova. Social Manipulations in Advertising- Impact on Consumers’ Perception of a Product.pdf