Published December 21, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Protaspaidae nom. n. (fam.) pro Protaspidae Skuja 1939 (Cryomonadida, Eothecia Thecofilosea, Filosa, Rhizaria), with Protaspa obliqua transferred to Stultaspa gen n. (Stultaspidae fam. n.) as Stultaspa obliqua comb. n. and diagnosis of the former family amended


Shɨshkin, Yegor (2021): Protaspaidae nom. n. (fam.) pro Protaspidae Skuja 1939 (Cryomonadida, Eothecia Thecofilosea, Filosa, Rhizaria), with Protaspa obliqua transferred to Stultaspa gen n. (Stultaspidae fam. n.) as Stultaspa obliqua comb. n. and diagnosis of the former family amended. Zootaxa 5082 (5): 497-500, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5082.5.8



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