Published December 10, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Labour Law Reforming at Qatar: comparative research

  • 1. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
  • 2. Private Expert in Law


Paper proposed highlights the experience of Qatar’s labor law reform, its features, peculiarities of the countries of the Muslim Legal family taking into account. Mainly directions of aforesaid reform and structural improvements in the legal regulation of Labor Relations in comparison with the pre-reform period are determined. A comparative study with the relevant directions of industry reform in Ukraine was conducted. Similar and distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages of both systems are analyzed. Conclusions about the possibility of borrowing positive foreign experience into the domestic labor and legal reality were showed. Studying of Labor Relations legal regulation experience in the Middle East on the example of Qatar permit to encourage colleagues to put out a scientific discussion about such types of employment contract as educational and service ones, its core conditions, consider the proposals of the trade union movement within the framework of joint committees, outline the problems of sponsorship law and repatriation in connection with subject of Labor Law, discuss problems and apply positive experience in regulating the work of home-based workers, consider the possibility of introducing the institute of anonymous complaints in labor law, pay attention to the experience of creation a labor justice system. Special attention should be paid to a physical attack on the employer or direct supervisor as reasons for termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer. Simultaneously, Domestic system of labor law, although it is distinguished by more long-timed traditions of statutory guarantees in field of Labor and Social Security Law, is not without the need to borrow foreign experience in order to update it for the needs of modern social development, which should be devoted to furthermore comparative legal researches



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