The Physiological Profi le of Male Professional Soccer Players: The Eff ect of Playing Division
- 1. Ergoscan Human Performance Assessment Laboratory, Ionias 110, Alimos, Athens, Greece
- 1. Ergoscan Human Performance Assessment Laboratory, Ionias 110, Alimos, Athens, Greece
The purpose of this study was to present the physiological profi le of male soccer players who compete in the professional (Division [D] 1, 2, 3) and semi-professional (D4) Greek soccer leagues, and to compare their physiological profi le according to playing division. Using 1,095 players (age: 25.2 ± 4.7 years), twelve anthropometric and physiological characteristics (age, height, body mass, BMI, VO2 max, velocity of VO2 max velocity at ventilatory threshold, maximum heart rate, maximum lactate, squat jump, 35 m sprint and sprinting fatigue index) were assessed. Factorial analysis of variance revealed a signifi cantly (p < 0.05) enhanced physiological profi le amongst the professional, compared to semi-professional players, for 10 of the 12 characteristics assessed between divisions. Regarding aerobic parameters, velocity at maximum oxygen uptake was the variable which discriminated professional, from semi-professional players most. With reference to anaerobic parameters, the 35m sprint was the variable which differentiated players between divisions (i.e. D1/D2 vs. D3/D4). Overall, fi ndings in this study present the physiological profi le of soccer players within the specifi ed Greek soccer divisions, with differences identifi ed between professional, and semi-professional divisions. These fi ndings suggest that advanced physiological profi les may contribute to a player’s progression to higher divisions of Greek professional soccer.
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