Published December 13, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

How to create a social sciences and humanities (SSH) vocabulary: The GoTriple Hackathon example

  • 1. EKT
  • 2. Institute of Literary Research PAN


This session focuses on the GoTriple vocabulary as well as on the results of the first GoTriple Hackathon in November 2021. 

The goal of the Hackathon is to assess and improve coverage of the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) in the GoTriple vocabulary by using existing subject headings systems (i.e. systems which use specific words or phrases in order to categorise and organise books and articles) that are already in use for the organisation of publications in social sciences and humanities (SSH) disciplines in the languages that are represented in the TRIPLE project (Croatian, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish).

In fact, the impact of the GoTriple Hackathon is much greater: The workflow created during the event helps to incorporate national, multilingual resources into the international exchange of knowledge about the procedure that should be followed in the future for the data mapping between LCSH or other international databases and national non-English data sources.


TRIPLE Conference_How to create a social sciences and humanities (SSH) vocabulary_The GoTriple Hackathon example_23 Nov 2021.pdf

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TRIPLE – Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration 863420
European Commission