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Published December 12, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Development of Tri Datu Snack Culinary Business To Support The Local Economy In Mengesta Village

  • 1. Department of Mathematics, FMIPA, Undiksha, Indonesia
  • 2. Department of Accounting, FE, Undiksha, Indonesia


The uncontrolled use of artificial food coloring will have a negative impact on health. One of the natural food coloring ingredients is Angkak which is produced from fermented rice. Mengesta Village is well-known as a local rice producer with distinctive characteristics, which is grown organically. The version of processed food made from rice in this area has not been done much. The purpose of implementing this PPPUD activity is to produce innovative products in the form of Tri Datu snacks and describe the entrepreneurship motivation of the target community. The research method uses the PAP (Participatory Assessment and Planning) method which consists of four main steps, namely (1) finding problems, (2) identifying potentials, (3) analyzing problems and potentials, and (4) choosing problem solving solutions. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and qualitatively. The results of this study are: produce a variety of products in the form of Angkak (Red Mold Rice) and Tri Datu snacks, namely snacks consisting of three types of colors from the original rice color and three types of snacks (begina, uli, andmatahari), with good quality. Entrepreneurial motivation from partners is very high. Thus, new economic sources will grow that will support local economic growth



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