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Published November 16, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Associate Professor in the Department of Socio-Human Sciences, Technical University of Moldova.
  • 2. University Professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Tiraspol State University.
  • 3. University Professor in the Department of Psychopedagogy and Preschool Education, Tiraspol State University.
  • 4. Associate Professor in the Department of Psychopedagogy and Preschool Education, Tiraspol State University.


The article proposes an analysis of prospective education as a specialized science in the study of education, perspective that requires: defining prospective education, approaches from a philosophical, social, psychological and pedagogical perspectives in the formation of prospective personality, highlighting the role of prospective thinking, prediction and modeling future actions, critical thinking, which involves continuously assessing the relevance of available data, sought answers, find alternatives in solving the problems of 21st century society, to deal with them now and in the future. In this sense, the critical thinking test was applied to future students of pedagogy, from different years of study (I, II, III), where is observed an increase of the level of critical thinking of the subjects involved in the finding experiment with the year of studies. These results guide us to emphasize the need to form prospective thinking among students, results that will be reflected in another article. Thus, being highlighted the critical thinking - competence of the future, emphasizes the importance of prospective education in preparing the personality for the future, by focusing on identifying alternatives in solving or reducing problems in the XXI century, marked by economic, technological, social changes etc.




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