Published December 6, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Comprehensive result data for a pathway for the German energy sector compatible with a 1.5°C carbon budget

  • 1. German Aerospace Centre, Institute of Networked Energy Systems, Stuttgart, Germany


This data set covers the results of an energy scenario for Germany within a 1.5°C carbon budget. It represents all relevant results from an energ system modelling excersise, coupling two complementary models.

The data set consists of two excel files

  • Comprehensive results of the energy balance based Energy System Model (ESM) for the heat, transport and power sectors for Germany, disaggregated by consumption sectors (residential, service & commerce, industry, transport)
  • Comprehensive results of the linear optimization energy system model REMix for power, heat and sector coupling

Methodology, models and scenario assumption are detailed in:

Simon, S., Xiao, M., Harpprecht, C., Pregger, T., Gardian, H., & Sasanpour, S. (submitted). A pathway for the German energy sector compatible with a 1.5°C carbon budget. Sustainability.


This research was funded by the Helmholtz Initiative Climate Adaptation and Mitigation, Cluster I "Net Zero 2050"; 2019-2021


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