Published December 5, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system characterized by the inability to accomplish a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Almost all the people are having a strong desire to conceive a child at some point during their reproductive lifetime. Understanding what defines normally infertility is crucial to help a person or couple to know when it is time to seek help. Factors like advanced maternal age, weight, diet, smoking, other medical conditions, such as ovulation disorders, hormonal disturbances, psychological factors, environmental pollutants, medications that hamper the ovulation, positive family history and infections might have an effect on conception in couples. Female infertility is caused due to blocked fallopian tubes, defect in cervical canal, uterine fibroid or polyps. Ayurveda has several medicinal plants which has the potential to treat causes of infertility and effective in achievement of conception without an adverse effect. The medicinal plants mostly used are anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and rejuvenators in actions. These medicinal plants will restore the normal physiology of the reproductive system of women and finally achievement of the conception. The medicinal plants referenced in Ayurvedic texts have the potential to correct the etiopathogenesis identified with infertility and works on the physical, psychological and social health of an individual and along these lines better option in contrast to hormonal treatment.

KEYWORDS: Vandhyatva, Ayurvedic treatment, Medicinal drugs, Plant based remedies, Diet  


02.SWATI BARVE-Diagnosis and Management of Male and Female Infertility A Comprensive Review.pdf