Published December 1, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Riddles of the Rift Valley: A One-Year Update

  • 1. Leiden University Centre for Linguisticscs
  • 2. University of Cologne


This talk provides a progress update on a collaborative project on riddling traditions in the Rift Valley that a group of RVN members have been working on for the last year or so. We outline our goals and rationale for the project, give some background about how our online collaboration has been organised, and we then present initial findings on four dimensions of our Rift Valley riddle research: (i) communicative ecologies; (ii) discourse structure; (i) grammatical and linguistic properties properties; and (iv) conceptual and stylistic features.


Note: This talk has not gone through a process of peer review, and findings should therefore be treated as preliminary and subject to change. Acknowledgement and citation: [put the full citation by which the presentation will be referred. Use this format: Mitchell, Alice and Andrew Harvey. 2021. Riddles of the Rift Valley: A One-Year Update. Talk given at the Rift Valley Network Webinar Series. 01/12/2021.


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