Information, Forms of its Fixation, Maintenance and Transfer as a Determinant of the Society Development Periodization
For a long period of its existence the humanity has been trying and is trying now to comprehend the way of development.
The more mature it grows the greater necessity and demand of such comprehension arise. The analysis of the past, estimation of the present, prospects for the future – these seem to be «three whales», the world rests on, according to old legends.
But the world was apprehended differently at different times and people of various professions estimated the humanity development dynamics in different ways.
Politicians, philosophers tried to find the sense of the process of humanity development on the basis of their mode of life, political processes and regimes.
Economists come to the conclusions on the basis of production processes, conversion and modification of production means. They paid more attention to technological and economic characteristics: origin and level of engineering development, branch structure of economy, a share of production accumulation in the national income and structure of consumption.
Some historians, geographers come to the conclusion, which may seem universal, but very general, that all civilizations go through one and the same cycle: origin, development, decline and destruction.
Humanity develops not in monodimensial way even in developed parts of the world, on its separate territories (in countries with developed economies) Progressive people fall in thinking over transformation processes of culture: mythological form of world comprehension – making heroes of leaders, monarchs; political system of society, which, at the same time, is the beginning of degradation of a nation.
The XXth century has become extremely dynamic, productive practically in all the spheres and branches of humanity development. And the comprehension of this process pushed sociologists against the thought, that the basis of all this is communication technologies; myths, rituals; creation of alphabet; book printing; modern electronic civilization.
In the author’s opinion, everything new, in all the times, was preceded by a word, information. Proceeding from this the author suggests his own periodization of society development, based on the principal of fixing, preserving and transmitting information which set the process of humanity development in movement.
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