Published July 15, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Onthophagus (Phanaeomorphus) cernyi Balthasar 1935

  • 1. K. Chocholy 16, CZ- 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic; e-mail: bezdek @ entu. cas. cz
  • 2. Department of Entomology, National Museum, Kunratice 1, CZ- 148 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic; e-mail: jiri _ hajek @ nm. cz


Onthophagus (Phanaeomorphus) cernyi Balthasar, 1935

Onthophagus (Phanaeomorphus) Černýi Balthasar, 1935b: 312, Fig. 4.

Four syntypes are deposited in NMPC (ex coll. V. Balthasar):

SYNTYPE (J): ‘Tatsienlu Dsaschi / Szechuan China [p] // O. černýi m. / Typ. [hw] / Dr. V. Balthasar det. [p] // Typus [p, red label, black frame]’.

SYNTYPE (♀): ‘Giufu Shan / Szechuan 1500 - / 2000 m. Reitter E. [p] // Typus [p, red label, black frame] // O. černýi m. / Typ. [hw] / Dr. V. Balthasar det. [p]’.

SYNTYPE (J): ‘ Japan [hw] // O. černýi m. / Typ. [hw] / Dr. V. Balthasar det. [p] // Typus [p, red label, black frame]’.

SYNTYPE (J): ‘ O. černýi m. / Typ. [hw] / Dr. V. Balthasar det. [p] // Typus [p, red label, black frame]’.

Current status. Onthophagus (Phanaeomorphus) ater cernyi Balthasar, 1935, see BALTHASAR (1963d) and KABAKOV & NAPOLOV (1999).


Published as part of Bezděk, Aleš & Hájek, Jiří, 2013, Catalogue of type specimens of beetles (Coleoptera) deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 387-442 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53 (1) on page 402, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5739743


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  • BALTHASAR V. 1935 b: Onthophagus-Arten Chinas, Japans und der angrenzenden Lander. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica (Riga) 8: 303 - 353.
  • BALTHASAR V. 1963 d: Monographie der Scarabaeidae und Aphodiidae der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region. Band 1. Allgemeiner Teil, Systematischer Teil: 1. Scarabaeinae, 2. Coprinae (Pinotini, Coprini). Tschechoslowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prag, 391 pp + 24 pls.
  • KABAKOV O. N. & NAPOLOV A. 1999: Fauna and ecology of Lamellicornia of subfamily Scarabaeinae (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera) of Vietnam and some parts of adjacent countries: South China, Laos and Thailand. Latvijas Entomologs 37: 58 - 96.