Towards new demography proxies and regional chronologies: Radiocarbon dates from archaeological contexts located in the Czech Republic covering the period between 10,000 BC and AD 1250 (dataset)
- 1. Department of Vegetation Ecology, Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic Department of Archaeology and Museology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
The dataset was created within the project “Land use, social transformations and woodland in Central European Prehistory. Modelling approaches to human-environment interactions” funded by the Czech Science Foundation (19-20970Y). This dataset represents the largest and the most comprehensive collection of archaeological radiocarbon dates from the Czech Republic to date. The dataset offers 1579 samples from 347 archaeological sites dating from Early Mesolithic (10 000 BC) to Medieval Period (AD 1250). Published in a simple spreadsheet format, the database offers researchers a quick tool for further analyses. It is important to highlight that dates we collected originated only from archaeological contexts, which means that we have excluded some radiocarbon dates produced through palaeoecological research without a direct relationship to past human activities, such as pollen records or samples from fossilized trees in river beds. The dataset is intended to be used for demographic modelling of population numbers during periods without written records, i.e. prehistory.