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Published November 25, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Serial rotation electron diffraction raw data

  • 1. Stockholm University
  • 2. Netherlands eScience Center


Raw serial rotation electron diffraction datasets from two mixture zeolite products (Product A and B). 

The data folder of each Product contains the following directories or files:

  • calib: contains the calibration files for the experiment
  • experiment: contains the raw rotation diffraction data (SMV format) for the identified crystals at each stage position.
  • Dials_indexing.log: contains the on-the-fly unit cell identification results from DIALS

The datasets for the structure determination of IWV, CTH, and RTH phases in Product A are listed in the folder named "Selected_datasets_for_structure_determination_of_IWV_CTH_and_RTH_in_Product_A"

The Python code to process the data can be found at


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