Published November 24, 2021 | Version v1
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Long-term litter fall data series from 34 boreal forest stands in Finland

  • 1. Natural Resources Institute Finland



Litter fall data were collected on a network of 34 forest sampling plots in Finland from late 1950s to 2010s. The data collection spanned different time periods in different sampling plots. The data have been used for studies on the flowering and seed crop of forest trees, air quality, and insect damage (see list of publications in the end of this document). They have been used to develop seed production and needle litter fall models for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies), a branch litter model for pine, and total litter fall models used in greenhouse gas inventories.

Data collection

The litter fall collection was set up in mature, single species stands. The focal tree species include Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), Silver birch (Betula pendula), Downy birch (Betula pubescens), Grey alder (Alnus incana), European rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), European larch (Larix decidua), and Siberian larch (Larix sibirica). The sampling plots varied in shape and in size with a typical area of 0.1-0.25 ha. Between 6 and 30 litter collecting funnels were used per plot. The funnels were made of galvanized sheet metal and attached to cloth bags to collect the falling litter. The sampling sites were monitored for changes in conditions, such as natural disturbances, tree harvesting, forestry operations, or construction on the plot or in its immediate proximity (none observed).

The litter samples were collected from the sampling plots, usually four to six times per year in spring to autumn. The samples were dried in room temperature (except male flowers in 1960s – 1970s, see note in Table 1) and stored in paper bags. The dried samples were sorted into litter fractions (Table 1). These fractions varied between tree species and between years to some extent. Cones and seeds were counted, and all other litter fractions were weighed to the nearest milligram.

Table 1. Litter fractions and their codes. The code of the litter fraction is used in the data files.
Code Litter fraction Description / note
1 Male flowers In the 1960s – 1970s male flowers were dried in 105°C for 24 hours (Sarvas 1962, 1968).
2 Seeds Seed wings and seeds from species other than the focal one were included into the “other litter” fraction.
3 Female flowers  
4 Needles  
5 Insects and their faeces  
6 Other litter  
7 Lichens, branches, and tree bark In some years lichens, branches, and bark were combined in the same fraction, and in some they were separated in their own fractions (numbers 12-14 below).
8 Small cones (1 year) For pine stands, cones were separated into one-year old small cones and large cones. Cones were counted.
9 Cones  
10 Cones and loose scales In some years loose scales were included in the same fraction as cones, and in some they were included into the “other litter” fraction.
11 Shifting dust  
12 Branches  
13 Lichens  
14 Tree bark  
15 Leaves For deciduous stands, leaves were separated into small (diameter < 1 cm) and large leaves (diameter > 1 cm), while for conifer stands all leaves were included into the “other litter” fraction.
16 Berries  

In addition to litter fall data, tree stand data were collected on most of the plots in some years. In the tree stand inventories, all trees in the sampling plot with diameter at breast height ≥ 7 cm were mapped, and all trees were counted and measured for diameter (at breast height and at 6 meters), total height, and height to first living branches. Stand basal area and dominant diameter and height were calculated. Stand age was estimated based on core samples from five trees outside but representative of the sample plot. Crown coverage was estimated with a Cajanus tube.

Description of the data files

The litter fall data is in eight csv-files, one per tree species. The files are named “Litter_Tree_species.csv”, for example “Litter_Betula_pendula.csv”.

Variables (in columns) are consistent across the files (explained in Table 2), but note that there are varying numbers of columns between the tables in the files, as each litter collecting funnel has its own column and different maximum numbers of funnels were used in different sampling sites and tree species (see row “S1 – S30” in Table 2 for more details).

Table 2. Variables included in the litter fall data files.
Variable name Description
PlotName Name of sampling plot.
PlotAbbr Abbreviation of sampling plot name.
Form Number identifying the original paper form.
Year Year of data collection.
TreeSpecies Tree species code: 1 = Scots pine, 2 = Norway spruce, 3 = Silver birch, 4 = Downy birch, 5 = Grey alder, 6 = Siberian larch, 7 = European larch, 8 = European rowan.
LitterFraction Code for the litter fraction (1-16), explained in Table 1.
Coefficient Coefficient used to transform the weight of the litter (g) to weight per square meter (g m-2). The coefficient is based on the number and area of the collection funnels.
Date Date of sample collection.
Period Variable used to define the time of data collection as calendar year or phenological year. The variable is based on the schedule of data collection in different years and on the focal tree species so that it corresponds to the species-specific litter fall schedule. For spruce, the peak needle fall is in the spring, so the calendar year is appropriate for describing the temporal variation in litter fall. For pine, the peak needle fall is in August–September, so a phenological year defined as July 1st – June 30th is appropriate for describing the temporal variation in litter fall. Period = -1 means the values in the row are allocated to the previous calendar year; period = 0 means the values are allocated to the current calendar year; and period = 1 means the values are allocated to the next calendar year.
S1 – S30 Columns S1 – S30 refer to litter collection funnels 1 – 30. The maximum number of funnels varies between tree species: for silver birch up to 30 funnels were used per plot, for downy birch up to 20 funnels, for spruce up to 10 funnels, for pine up to 15 funnels, for rowan 10 funnels, and for both larch species and alder 8 funnels. Missing values (NA) mean that the funnel was not used in the plot. Value -1 means that the funnel was used but the sample was missing. The values give the dry weight of the litter in mg.
Combined For some samples, litter collected by different funnels has been combined and the total weight is shown in column S1. In this column, 0 = values have not been combined, and 1 = values have been combined.
TotalWeight Total weight of the litter (mg).
TotalWeightArea Total weight of the litter per area (mg m-2). Value is same as TotalWeight × Coefficient.
Note Note

Tree stand data is in one csv-file, named “Tree_stand_data.csv”, and can be combined with the litter fall data based on the sample plot abbreviations (variable “PlotAbbr” in both litter fall data files and the tree stand data file). Note that there is no tree stand data available for all the same years as litter fall data. There is no tree stand data available at all for one downy birch site (abbreviation HEI568), one spruce site (NOO85), one pine site (HEI566), and the alder, rowan, and larch sites. Tree stand data variables are explained in Table 3.

Table 3. Variables included in the tree stand data file.
Variable name Description
PlotName Name of sampling plot.
PlotAbbr Abbreviation of sampling plot name.
Year Year of data collection.
TreeSpecies Dominant tree species. 1 = Scots pine, 2 = Norway spruce, 3 = Silver birch, 4 = Downy birch.
Age Stand age (years).
SiteType Forest site type describing site productivity. 2 = xeric heath forest, 3 = sub-xeric heath forest, 4 = mesic heath forest, 5 = herb-rich heath forest. 
North North coordinate (m), coordinate system ETRS-TM35FIN.
East East coordinate (m), coordinate system ETRS-TM35FIN.
Elevation Elevation (m above sea level).
N Stem number (ha-1).
BA Basal area (m2 ha-1).
DomD Diameter (cm) of dominant trees.
DomH Height (m) of dominant trees.
CrownLength Crown length (m).
V Stem volume (m3 ha-1).
CrownCover Crown coverage (%).


List of publications 

Hilli, A., Hokkanen, T., Hyvönen, J. & Sutinen, M.-L. 2008. Long-term variation in Scots pine seed crop size and quality in northern Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 23(5): 395-403. 

Koski, V. & Tallqvist, R. (1978). Results of long-time measurements of the quantity of flowering and seed crop of forest trees (in Finnish with English summary). Folia Forestalia, 364, 1-60. 

Kouki, J. & Hokkanen, T. 1992. Long-term needle litterfall of a Scots pine Pinus sylvestris stand: relation to temperature factors. Oecologia 89: 176-181. 

Lehtonen, A., Lindholm, M., Hokkanen, T., Salminen, H. & Jalkanen, R. 2008. Testing dependence between growth and needle litterfall in Scots pine - a case study in northern Finland. Tree Physiology 28(11): 1741-1749. 

Lehtonen, A., Sievänen, R., Mäkelä, A., Mäkipää, R., Korhonen, K.T. & Hokkanen, T. 2004. Potential litterfall of Scots pine branches in southern Finland. Ecological Modelling 180(2-3): 305-315. 

Leikola, M., Raulo, J. & Pukkala, T. (1982). Prediction of the variations of the seed crop of Scots pine and Norway spruce (in Finnish with English summary). Folia Forestalia, 537, 1-43. 

Niemistö, P., Hokkanen T. & Varama, M. 2004. Karikemäärän muutokset 1982–2001 ja puiden kunto lumi- ja hallamittariesiintymän vaivaamissa koivikoissa Noormarkussa. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 1/2004: 21–41. 

Poikolainen, J. & Kuusinen, M. 2000. Abundance of epiphytic lichens in litterfall during 1967-1994. In: Forest condition in a changing environment - the Finnish case. Forestry Sciences, Vol. 65. Kluwer Academic Publishers / Ed. Mälkönen, E. Sivut:  171-172. 

Pukkala, T. 1987a. A model for predicting the seed crop of Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris (in Finnish with English abstract). Silva Fennica 21(2): 135-144. 

Pukkala, T. 1987b. Effect of seed production on the annual growth of Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris (in Finnish with English abstract). Silva Fennica 21(2): 145-158. 

Pukkala, T., Hokkanen, T. & Nikkanen, T. 2010. Prediction models for the annual seed crop of Norway spruce and Scots pine in Finland. Silva Fennica 44(4): 629-642. 

Ranta, E., Lindström, J., Kaitala, V., Crone, E., Lundberg, P., Hokkanen, T. & Kubin, E. 2010. Life history mediated responses to weather, phenology and large-scale population patterns. In: Hudson, I. L & Keatley, M. R. (eds.). Phenological Research. Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, Netherlands. p. 321-338. 

Raulo, J. & Hokkanen, T. 1989. Litter fall of Alnus incana and Alnus glutinosa (in Finnish with English summary). Folia Forestalia 738. 25 s.

Saarsalmi, A., Starr, M., Hokkanen, T., Ukonmaanaho, L., Kukkola, M., Nöjd, P. & Sievänen, R. 2007. Predicting annual canopy litterfall production for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands. Forest Ecology and Management 242(2-3): 578-586. 

Sarvas, R. (1962). Investigations on the flowering and seed crop of Pinus Silvestris. Communicationes Instituti Forestalis Fenniae, 53, 1-198. 

Sarvas, R. 1968. Investigation on the flowering and seed crop of Picea abies. Communicationes Instituti Forestalis Fenniae 67.5. 84 pp. 

Starr, M., Saarsalmi, A., Hokkanen, T., Merilä, P. & Helmisaari, H.-S. 2005. Models of litterfall production for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Finland using stand, site and climate factors. Forest Ecology and Management 205: 215-225. 

Ťupek, B., Mäkipää, R., Heikkinen J., Peltoniemi, M., Ukonmaanaho, L., Hokkanen, T., Nöjd, P., Nevalainen, S., Lindgren, M. & Lehtonen, A. 2015: Foliar turnover rates in Finland — comparing estimates from needle-cohort and litterfall-biomass methods. Boreal Environment Research 20: 283–304


Corresponding author: Aleksi Lehtonen



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