Published May 5, 2017 | Version v1.0
Software Open

The-SmartH2O-project/models: Models of SmartH2O project


Models of SmartH2O project

This repository contains the SmartH2O agent-based models for the district of Valencia, Spain (top folder emivasa) and the district of Terre di Pedemonte, Switzerland (top folder ses). The models are built using Anylogic.

Each top folder contains four subfolders:

  • baseline : the ABM source (the .alp file) simulating the baseline water consumption of the concerned district
  • baseline java applet: the java applet of the baseline model, it is useful to run the model if you don't have Anylogic installed.
  • observation : the ABM source (the .alp file) simulating the water consumption of the users after that they have adopted the SmartH2O portal.
  • observation java applet: the java applet of the observation model, it is useful to run the model if you don't have Anylogic installed.

In particular, each folder contains esempi.xlsx and histograms.xlsx files, containing the consumption characteristics of the agents in the model.

In addition, each observation's subfolder, contains a transition.xlsx file: this contains the transition matrices for updating consumption characteristics of agents during the simulation.


In order to certificate the autenticity of the files, each folder contains the file sha256sum.txt: it lists the sha256 hash of every file present in the folder. The file has also been signed with the SmartH2O GnuPG key, and the signature has been saved to sha256sum.txt.asc.

Thus, if you want to verify the files you downloaded, you have to perform these steps:

  1. Download and install GnuPG
  2. Import in your keyring the SmartH2O public key: >gpg.exe --keyserver --recv-keys 0x9739174C8B57ACA9
  3. Verify the sign of sha256sum.txt using sha256sum.txt.asc: >gpg --verify sha256sum.txt.asc sha256sum.txt. You should get a message like this: gpg: Good signature from "The SmartH2O project <>"
  4. It should be enough.. but you can also check every file using the hashes contained in all sha256sum.txt files

The SmartH2O key, available here, has this fingerprint: 7F14 4F03 BCB9 9A3C D99D 7483 9739 174C 8B57 ACA9


For any type of further questions write to The maintainer of this dataset is Corrado Valeri (



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