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Published June 11, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Current Issues on the International Family Law

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Сulture and Аrts, Ukraine


The current problems of the international family law are identified and analyzed with the help of common logical methods such as analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization, as well as a comparative method that provides an opportunity to analyze, clarify, define and explicate the main issues on international family law. As a result of the study, it is determined that in each state legal norms, having their long historical and religious roots, the existence of customs and traditions reflecting the each nation and a certain community specifics, are the very circumstance preventing the unification of material and even (although in a much lesser degree) collison rules within the international family law. Differences are found in virtually all institutions of family law, while the very set of institutions coincides in many respects.

The actual problems of the international family law are associated with “unstable” marriages and divorces, as well as the issues related to the spouses in divorce rights implementation.



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