KiwiSDR Recordings of WWV Characterization Signal, N6GN, 15 November 2021
This dataset contains three versions of a KiwiSDR recording of the WWV/H characterization signal, made remotely by William Liles NQ6Z. These three files have little noise and high SNR. They were collected using Glenn Elmore's, N6GN, equipment which antenna is in line of sight to WWV antenna so no ionospheric effects.
N6GN_20211115T190749_iq_15.wav: This is an IQ wav file without the kiwi time tags so standard wav code works such as The sample rate is 20,249 sps which is stored in the wav file header.
N6GN_20211115T190749_am_15.wav: This is the AM demodulated version of the IQ file. You can play it in Audacity.
20211115T190749Z_15000000_N6GNrm_iq.wav: This is the raw IQ file with the time stamps (starting at zero) as collected from the kiwi. There is C and octave code to read it at Since this is raw kiwiSDR file, each sample is 16 bits integer while the other two files are 32 bit floating point.
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- Cites
- Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.5602094 (DOI)