Published May 4, 2017 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Policy Compass - Indicator-based Accountable Policy Analysis and Evaluation via Open Data Exploitation

  • 1. National Technical University of Athens
  • 2. Fraunhofer, FOKUS
  • 3. Brunel University


Empowering stakeholders in assessing the governments’ course of actions and contributing in transforming government structures to a more participatory and democratic form is not an easy task. New technologies and innovations help to this direction, and policy making is becoming more and more transparent, accountable and trusted if the inclusion of wide society masses in it is taken into account. What, however, society better understands as outcomes of policies is how the latter affects prosperity, as this is a visible impact on everyone’s life. Policy Compass is a platform, co-funded by the EC, that capitalises on prosperity and social indicators for assessing the impact of governmental policies, utilising open data sources associated to their calculation and providing to the public the opportunity to better understand policy decisions and how these might affect their lives.   



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