A list of Swedish words that have experienced historical semantic changes
This list contains a set of Swedish words that have experienced semantic change during the past centuries. The list has been collected during the VR funded project Towards Computational Lexical Semantic Change Detection, ( 2018-01184) and is a work in progress. Because the work is currently on pause, we have chosen to release the list as is in the hope of facilitating collaboration and use in other research.
The list has four columns in the following format:
Ord*, Vilken betydelseförändring har skett*, När skedde förändringen, Källor (exv SAOL)
word, what change occurred, when the change occur, reference
Not all fields are filled for every word. Where there are multiple change periods, there are multiple lines with empty values for word and what change occurred, see the example with egendomlig below.
egendomlig,som utgör (ngns) egendom > karaktäristisk (positiv) > speciell (negativt!!),"A. Sen 1600tal, ",SAOB
,,B. Sen 1850,
,,"C. Sen ??, efter 190",
The .xlsx file contains links to the references.
The resources are freely available for education, research and other non-commercial purposes.
A list of Swedish words that have experienced historical semantic changes.csv
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