Published June 1, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Development of stratospheric communication platforms (SCP) as a backbone to terrestrial networks

  • 1. Durban University of Technogy (DUT)


In this paper are introduced the new Stratospheric Communication Platforms (SCP) as cost effective airships for the future backbone of terrestrial networks for rural communications. Placing airship in position is not critical point such as launch of satellite and controlling support services in the creation of space communication technology and the most expensive phase of the total system cost. Therefore, with few cost effective remote controlled and solar powered airships can be covered any region or country including remote and rural areas with low density of population. The airship network offers better solutions than cellular radio systems, with greater speed of transmission than even optical modes, roaming will be enhanced without severe shadowing or obstacle problems and disturbances inside of buildings and service will cost less. The airship mission is more autonomous and discrete, can be integrated with current satellite and cellular systems, and will be the best solution for rural, mobile and military applications. The airship can be seen well from all positions inside coverage area, because they are overlapping the total coverage and because of elevation angle. In any circumstances mountains, buildings and trees cannot cause an obstruction that is the case in cellular networks. Thus, the current revival of interest for SCP constellations, applications and various concepts are being studied.


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