Published October 20, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Analysis of DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) thermograms of milk fat

  • 1. Baku State University


The object of current research is the oxidation and melting properties of milk fat samples in different heating rates. One of the most problematic issues is the evaluation dependence of temperature and oxidation time regarding to heat flow, and the estimation of attitude of enthalpy values to heating rates. In order to gain a comprehensive assessment of oxidation and melting properties of milk fat samples on differential scanning calorimeter in various heating rates, it is necessary to conduct experimental studies.

The analysis was performed using the dynamic option of the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) with the following sample heating rates: 2.5, 4, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15 °Cmin–1. Analyses were performed on 14 samples of milk fat, thus, for each heating rate were intended to two milk fat samples.

As a result of the analysis, in the proper heating rates increased, it was found, that the oxidation properties of milk fat depend on the heating rates on DSC examination. In the thermal DSC analysis, the start temperature (Ts) (inlet), the onset temperature (Ton), and the maximum heat flow-peak temperatures (Tp) of oxidation were rising gradually. All the value of oxidation increased gradually with increasing heating rate, only in the Tend values were chainable among all heating rates. However, the oxidation time of milk fat is inversely proportional to the various heating rates in DSC. The oxidation enthalpy was calculated according to the heating rates too. The masses of the samples differ from each other, albeit slightly, which the individuality in the value of enthalpy could be explained through this ratio and duration of exothermic. The melting point considers the important indicator to explain the purity of samples. Melting curves of extracted milk fat samples on DSC were characterized by endothermic behavior and observed with the mild peaks, the first and the second distinct peaks due to the low-melting triacylglycerols (with high unsaturated fatty acids content) and high-melting fats, which present in milk fat.

In concluded results, the characteristics of DSC oxidation curves are melting point due to the chemical structure of the fatty acids which milk fat samples contain.


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