Published August 1, 2020 | Version v9
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Anomalies in BatCoV/RaTG13 sequencing and provenance


  • 1. The University Of Sydney


To this date, the most critical piece of evidence on the purposed “natural origin” theory of SARS-CoV-2, was the sequence known as RaTG13, allegedly collected from a single fecal sample from Rhinolophus Affinis. Understanding the provenance of RaTG13 is critical on the ongoing debate of the Origins of SARS-CoV-2. However, this sample is allegedly “used up” and therefore can no longer be accessed nor sequenced independently [1], and the only available data was the 3 related Genbank accessions: MN996532.1, SRX7724752 and SRX8357956.

We report these datasets possessed multiple significant anomalies, and the provenence of the promised claims of RaTG13 or it’s role in proving a “probable bat origin”[2] of SARS-CoV-2 can not be satisfied nor possibly be confirmed.


Is RaTG13 specifically adapted to a restriction scar sequence.pdf

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  • Paskey, A.C., Frey, K.G., Schroth, G. et al. Enrichment post-library preparation enhances the sensitivity of high-throughput sequencing-based detection and characterization of viruses from complex samples. BMC Genomics 20, 155 (2019).