Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Harpyrhynchoides zumpti Fain 1972



Harpyrhynchoides zumpti (Fain, 1972)

(Fig. 5)

Harpyrhynchus (Harpyrhynchoides) zumpti Fain, 1972: 54

Harpyrhynchus (Harpyrhynchoides) diuca Fain, 1972: 53

Harpirhynchus (Harpyrhynchoides) zumpti Fain, 1994: 136, figs. 110–118; Bochkov & Galloway 2001: 2017, fig. 4, 2004: 31, figs. 6, 7; Skoracki et al. 2012: i19.

Harpirhynchus (Harpyrhynchoides) kirgizorum Fain et al. 1999: 42, figs. 7–12, syn. nov.

Harpyrhynchus brevis, Moss 1979: 381, partly (misidentification)

Diagnosis. FEMALE. Palp femoragenu with distinct lateral notches. Palpalae l”G subequal to or 1.1–1.5 times longer than dF. Body, including gnathosoma, 340–420 long (in specimens from Passer domesticus in Algeria about 330 long). Setae h2 50–80 long. Vulva without long lateral folds. Genua I and II with 3 setae (v ” absent). Apical segment of legs III with 5 setae, apical segment of legs IV with 4 setae.

Type material. H. zumpti: Holotype female (MRAC), 3 females and 1 male paratypes (IRSNB) from Eremopterix leucotis (Stanley) (Passeriformes: Alaudidae), SOUTH AFRICA: Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality, Mafeking, 25° 51' 54''S, 25° 38' 39''E, 6 August 1964, coll. F. Zumpt; 5 female and 5 male paratypes (IRSNB) from same host, SOUTH AFRICA: Bloemhof (different localities under this name), 10 August 1964, coll. F. Zumpt; H. diuca: holotype female, 2 female and 2 male paratypes (IRSNB) from Diuca diuca (Molina) (Passeriformes: Thraupidae) originated from South America and died in Antwerp Zoo during its quarantine, 2 September 1965, coll. A. Fain; H. kirgizorum syn. nov.: holotype female (ZISP H-T- 2), 5 female and 1 male paratypes (ZISP AVB 14-0725-003) from Rhodospiza obsoleta (Lichtenstein) (Passeriformes: Fringillidae); KIRGIZIA: Ysyk-Köl Province, Sary-Kul Lake, 41° 37' 44''N, 77° 38' 49''E, 13 July 1978, coll. P. Chirov.

Type deposition. MRAC (zumpti), IRSNB (diuca), ZISP (kirgizorum).

Non-type material. Alaudidae: 1 female (OSAL 0083625) from Calandrella cinerea (Gmelin), BOTSWANA: Northern Bechuanaland, 22°S, 24°E (GEOnet), 6 October 1955, coll. F. Zumpt; 12 females (ZISP AVB 14-0725-004) from Calandrella rufescens (Vieillot), KAZAKHSTAN: Ongtustik Qazaqstan, Qyzylkol (Kyzylkol’ Lake), 335 m a.l.s., 43°44’ 35.1”N, 69°30’06.6”E, 10 October 2007, coll. P.B. Klimov; 10 females (ZISP AVB 14-0725-005) from Alauda arvensis Linnaeus; KAZAKHSTAN: Ongtustik Qazaqstan, Chokpak Ornithological Station, 1134 m a.l.s., 42°31’49.6”N, 70°36’20.1”E, 19 October 2007, coll. A.V. Bochkov.

Turdidae: 1 female (OSAL 0083335) from Turdus migratorius Linnaeus, USA: New York, Tompkins Co., Ithaca, 42.44°N, 76.5°W (GNIS-USGS), 16 July 1974, coll. B.M. OConnor; 1 female and 12 males (OSAL 0079484-0079498, 0 0 83339, 0 0 83376, 0 0 83383, 0083386) from same host, USA: Kansas, Douglas Co., Lawrence, 38.97°N, 95.24°W (GNIS-USGS), 26 April 1961, coll. R.C. Funk; 6 females and 2 males (OSAL 0 0 83837, 0 0 83838, 0 0 83840, 0 0 83841, 0 0 83845, 0083847) from Sialia sialis (Linnaeus), USA: Mississippi, Bolivar Co., Rosedale, 33.85°N, 91.03°W (USGS-GNIS), 3 February 1940, coll. unknown.

Fringillidae: 1 female (OSAL 0077624) from Spinus tristis (Linnaeus), USA: Wyoming, Campbell Co., Gillette, 19.3 km E of, 44.29°N, 105.5°W (USGS-GNIS), 29 August 1966, coll. W.W. Moss; 8 females (OSAL 0 0 83861, 0083863-0083869) from Leucosticte arctoa (Pallas), CANADA: British Columbia, 49.16°N, 122.86°W (GEOnet), 29 December 1918, coll. unknown.

Icteridae: 7 females (OSAL 0082782-0082788) from Agelaius tricolor (Audubon), USA: California, Kern Co., Lerdo, 5.6 km E of, 35.49°N, 119.15°W (USGS-GNIS), 2 June 1955, G. Hutson; 2 females (OSAL 0 0 82746, 0082749) from Agelaius phoeniceus (Linnaeus), USA: Florida, Columbia Co., O'Leno State Park, 29.92°N, 82.58°W (USGS-GNIS), 10 April 1966, coll. W. J. Wrenn; 1 male (OSAL 0082792) from same host, USA: Maryland, Prince George's Co., Patuxent Wildlife Refuge, 39.05,°N 76.8°W (GNIS-USGS), 9 April 1957, coll. G.M. C l ar k; 16 females and 1 male (OSAL 0082624-0082628, 0 0 82631, 0 0 82632, 0082634-0082638, 0082640- 0 0 82642, 0 0 83361, 0083384) from Sturnella magna (Linnaeus), USA: Texas, Cameron Co., Boca Chica and Medford Colonia, 25.92°N, 97.4°W (USGS-GNIS), 15 January 1962, coll. R.B. Eads; 6 females (OSAL 0082616- 0 0 82620, 0083350) from Sturnella neglecta Audubon, USA: Texas, Gray Co., 35.42°N 100.8°W (USGS-GNIS), 29 March 1961, coll. Eller; 1 female (OSAL 0083347) from Euphagus cyanocephalus (Wagler), USA: California, Shafter, Marin Co., 38°N, 122.71°W (USGS-GNIS), 5 July 1962, coll. B.C. Nelson; 1 female (OSAL 0082646) from same host, USA: California, Kern Co., 35.33°N, 118.67°W (GNIS-USGS), 2 August 1962, coll. B.A. Nelson; 1 female and 1 male (OSAL 0 0 69435, 0069436) from Euphagus carolinus (Muller), North America: unknown locality, 25 July 1964, coll. unknown; 10 females and 5 males from Quiscalus quiscula (Linnaeus), CANADA: Manitoba, Winnipeg, 1 May 1999, coll. T.D. Galloway; 10 females from same host and locality, 23 December 1999, coll. T.D. Galloway.

Passeridae: 10 females and 5 males (IRSNB) from Passer domesticus (Linnaeus), ALGERIA: Oranic, 23 May 1980, coll. Monod Yousfi; 1 female and 1 male (ZISP AVB 14-0725-006) from same host, KIRGHIZIA: Bishkek, 13 June 1973, coll. P. Chirov.

Emberizidae: 2 females from Emberiza calandra (Linnaeus), KIRGHIZIA: Naryn, Telek, 41° 58' 46''N, 75° 43' 30''E, 5 November 1973, coll. P. Chirov.

Cardinalidae: 6 females and 5 males (OSAL 0079146-0079152, 0 0 79248, 0 0 79250, 0 0 79251, 0083344) from Cardinalis sinuatus Bonaparte, USA: Texas, Brewster Co., Big Bend National Park, 29.25°N, 103.25°W (USGS- GNIS), 18 April 1960, coll. R.E. Beer.

Hosts and distribution. This species is known from the various passerines belonging to the families Alaudidae, Cardinalidae, Emberizidae, Fringillidae, Icteridae, Passeridae, Thraupidae, and Turdidae in Asia, Africa, North and South America (Fain 1972, 1994; Bochkov & Galloway 2001, 2004; present paper). Moss (1979) misidentified mites from Cardinalis sinuatus (Cardinalidae), Spinus tristis (Fringillidae), Agelaius tricolor, Agelaius phoeniceus, Euphagus cyanocephalus, Sturnella neglecta, Sturnella magna, Quiscalus quiscula (Icteridae), Turdus migratorius, and Catharus ustulatus (Turdidae) as H. brevis). The record on Junco hyemalis (Bochkov & Galloway 2004) belongs to separate species, H. heatherae (Bochkov & Galloway 2013).

Remarks. In the original description of H. kirgizorum, Fain et al. (1999) differentiated this species from H. rubeculinus only. We compared the type series of H. kirgizorum and H. zumpti and found them inseparable. For this reason, we consider H. kirgizorum syn. nov. as a junior synonym of H. zumpti.


Published as part of Klompen, Hans, 2014, A review of the zumpti species group of the genus Harpyrhynchoides (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) — ectoparasites of passerines, pp. 401-418 in Zootaxa 3884 (5) on pages 410-412, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3884.5.1,


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Harpyrhynchoides zumpti Fain, 1972 sec. Klompen, 2014


  • Fain, A. (1972) Notes sur les Acariens des familles Cheyletidae et Harpyrhynchidae producteurs de gale chez les oiseaux ou les mammiferes. Acta Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia, 56, 37 - 60.
  • Fain, A. (1994) New observations on the Harpirhynchidae Dubinin, 1957 (Acari: Prostigmata). I. The subgenus Harpirhynchus (Harpyrhynchoides) Fain, 1972. Bulletin de I'lnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie, 64, 109 - 144.
  • Bochkov, A. V. & Galloway, D. T. (2001) The parasitic cheyletoid mites (Acari: Cheyletoidea) associated with passeriform birds (Aves: Passeriformes) from Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 79, 2014 - 2028. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / z 01 - 160
  • Skoracki, M., Zabludovskaya, S. & Bochkov, A. V. (2012) A review of Prostigmata (Acariformes: Trombidiformes) permanently associated with birds. Acarina, 20, 67 - 107.
  • Fain, A., Bochkov, A. V. & Mironov, S. V. (1999) A contribution to the systematics of the mite family Harpirhynchidae (Acari: Cheyletoidea). Acarologia, 40, 35 - 52.
  • Moss, W. W. (1979) Patterns of host-specificity and coevolution in the Harpyrhynchidae. In: Rodriguez, J. G. (Ed.), Recent Advances in Acarology. volume. II. Academic Press, New York, pp. 379 - 384.
  • Bochkov, A. V. & Galloway, T. D. (2004) New species and records of cheyletoid mites (Acari: Cheyletoidea) from birds in Canada. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 77, 26 - 44. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2317 / 0211.01.1
  • Bochkov, A. V. & Galloway, T. D. (2013) New records and new species of mites of the subfamily Harpirhynchinae (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) infesting birds in Manitoba, Canada. Acta Parasitologica, 58, 405 - 419. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2478 / s 11686 - 013 - 0172 - 4