Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pseudomicrocara patagonica Curtis 1838, comb. nov.


Pseudomicrocara patagonica (Curtis, 1838), comb. nov.

(Figs. 8, 24–26, 33, 51, 56, 96–101)

Cyphon patagonicum Curtis, 1838: 199 (type locality: “Port St. Elena” [Port Santa Elena, Chubut Province, Argentina]). Elodes patagonica: Guérin-Méneville 1843: 15 (transfered to Elodes as doubtful species).

Helodes patagonica: Gemminger & von Harold 1869: 1619 (Patagonia).

Cyphon patagonica: Waterhouse 1881: 82 (Sandy Point).

Cyphon patagonicus: Fairmaire 1883: 493 (comparison to antarcticus); Fairmaire 1889: 115. Helodes patagonicus: Kolbe 1907: 72 (Tierra del Fuego, Strait of Magellan: Punta Arenas, Patagonia). Cyphon patagonicus: Pic 1914: 34 (checklist; Patagonia); Bruch 1914: 236 (checklist; Tierra del Fuego).

Cyphon patagonicum: Blackwelder 1944: 267 (checklist; Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego); Moroni 1985: 174 (provincia de Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego).

Diagnosis. Habitus elongate-oval, TL: 3.94–4.21 mm; EW: 2.08–2.24 mm. Head testaceous or brownish testaceous with three pairs of brown maculae: one pair of trapezoidal maculae between the eyes, one pair of rounded maculae between the antennae, and one pair of rounded maculae close to clypeal margin. In some cases the first two pairs of maculae are fused, appearing as one pair of triangular maculae. In some cases the maculae of the third pair are fused, then forming one transversely elongated macula along the clypeal margin. Pronotum testaceous with one central irregular brown macula and one rounded macula on each side. Elytra brownish testaceous. Abdomen testaceous with brown maculae: ventrites 1 and 5 with one pair of maculae, ventrites 2–4 with two pairs of maculae, ventrites 1–4 with additional markings near the posterior margin. Mandibles asymmetrical, right mandible one-toothed, left mandible lacking teeth, with spines on molar region. Segment 3 of labial palpus arising from apex of segment 2. Front edge of paraglossa bilobed. Male terminalia: tergite 8 with a pair of sclerotized apodemes converging posteriorly, posterior margin approximately straight, with setae; tergite 9 with a pair of subparallel sclerotized apodemes, posterior margin straight, with setae; sternite 8 V-shaped, anterior margin narrow, rounded, with setae near posterior margin; sternite 9 with posterior margin approximately straight, a pair of sclerotized apodemes diverging posteriorly and then converging, with setae. Male genitalia: tegmen with basal margin emarginate, parameres broad at base, narrowing gradually, apex acute, styli present; penis with basal piece with lateral margins subparallel, anterior margin rounded, trigonium with apex bifid, curved ventrally, parameroids narrowing to the tip, apex acute, pointing outwards. Female genitalia: prehensor composed of two symmetrical ear-shaped sclerites; bursella with pores producing into cylindrical structures having several thin apical projections, resembling asterisks. Females lacking setal patch on ventrite 4.

Type material: Holotype, male (NHM): Cyphon Curt. / Patagonicum [handwritten]; Cyphon / patagonicum / Curtis / Port St. Elena [handwritten]; Type [round label with red margin]; 63/49 [round blueish label].

Additional specimens: Tierra del Fuego Province: Fagnano Lake, Kaiken, 100 m, 18–19. i.1979, 7 exx., 21– 24. i.1979, 8 exx., Misión Científica Danesa (ZMUC). Ushuaia, Lapataia, 20 m, 27–28. i.1979, 7 exx., 1-3. ii.1979, 3 exx., Misión Científica Danesa (ZMUC).

Chubut Province: Turbio River, 24. vi.1962, 1 ex., A. Kovacs (NHM). El Hoyo, x.1959, 1 ex., 24. x.1961, 1 ex., 7. ix.1962, 1 ex., A. Kovacs (NHM). Tecka, Corcovado, 750 m, 17-18. ii.1979, 3 exx., Misión Científica Danesa (ZMUC).

Río Negro Province: El Bolsón, 20. x.1959, 3 exx., 29. xi.1959, 3 exx., 9. ii.1960, 1 ex., 10. ii.1960, 5 exx., 4. xi.1960, 1 ex., 1. ii.1961, 1 ex., 9. ix.1961, 2 exx., 12. ix.1961, 1 ex., 30. ix.1961, 3 exx., 10. x.1961, 2 exx., 20. x.1961, 9 exx., 25. x.1961, 5 exx., 29. x.1961, 5 exx., 30. x.1961, 3 exx., 4. xi.1961, 7 exx., 30. xi.1961, 1 ex., 21. ix.1962, 1 ex., 10. x.1962, 1 ex., 20. x.1962, 8 exx., 29. x.1962, 13 exx., 4. xi.1962, 8 exx., 19. xi.1962, 3 exx., 24. xi. 1962, 15 exx., 1. xii.1962, 6 exx., 3. xii.1962, 17 exx., 8. xii.1962, 1 ex., A. Kovacs (NHM). San Carlos de Bariloche, Colonia Suiza, 800 m, 13-17. x.1981, 2 exx., 22–23. x.1982, 4 exx. Nielsen & Karsholt (ZMUC). Nahuel Huapi National Park, Hess Lake, 29.x–19. xi.2008, 5 exx., Malaise, leg. Analía Garré & Fernanda Montes de Oca (MLP). Nahuel Huapi Naional Park, Hess Lake, 20.xi–23. xii.2008, 3 exx., Malaise, leg. Analía Garré & Fernanda Montes de Oca (MLP). Nahuel Huapi National Park, Lower Manso River, 1.xii.2008 –14. i.2009, 1 ex., Malaise, leg. Analía Garré & Fernanda Montes de Oca (MLP). Nahuel Huapi National Park, Mallín La Cortadera, 41° 05’ 13” S 71° 48’ 26” W, 769 m, 8.i.2007 /3. ii.2007, 5 exx., Malaise, leg. Analía Garré & Fernanda Montes de Oca (NHM).

Neuquén Province: Nahuel Huapi National Park, Mallín La Heladera, 41° 00’ 56” S 71° 49’ 45.4” W, 878 m, 7.i.2007 /1–4. ii.2007, 5 exx., Malaise, leg. Analía Garré & Fernanda Montes de Oca (NHM).

Distribution. This species was previously only known from Tierra del Fuego Province. The species is newly recorded from Chubut, Río Negro and Neuquén Provinces.

Remarks. Port Santa Elena is located in 44º 31' S 65º 20' W, on the coast of the Argentinean Sea in Chubut Province (Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino, 2001). The species described by Curtis were collected by Captain King in the Survey of Strait of Magellan. In his narrative, King (1839) stated that he landed in Port Santa Elena. However, King (1839) and Martin de Moussy (1873) described the region near this port as arid and bare of vegetation, which makes it rather unsuitable for the presence of Scirtidae. Probably, the specimen examined by Curtis was found close to “Port St. Elena”, but not necessary exactly in this locality.


Published as part of Libonatti, María Laura & Ruta, Rafał, 2013, Review of the Argentinean species of Pseudomicrocara Armstrong (Coleoptera: Scirtidae), pp. 137-157 in Zootaxa 3718 (2) on pages 182-183, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3718.2.3,


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comb. nov.
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Pseudomicrocara patagonica (Curtis, 1838) sec. Libonatti & Ruta, 2013