Published November 12, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

An Analysis of Article 370 and Article 35A of the Constitution of India and the Implications of its Revocation

  • 1. English


The general populace was outraged when Article 370 of the constitution was repealed. For the most part, India's choice was well-received. However, there have been complaints about the region's limits on communication and civil liberties. China and Pakistan have reacted forcefully, trying to begin a new chapter in the Kashmir conflict before the UN Security Council. To comprehend these arguments and determine whether or not they are still valid today, we must first comprehend the status quo, which is never static. That is why we need to take a gander at this article's evolutionary history. This paper examines the circumstances under which this Article was introduced into the Indian Constitution, how much of those circumstances still exist, what its contents were, and to what extent has this Article been diluted through time, if at all, since 1947.


An Analysis of Article 370 and Article 35A of the Constitution of India and the Implications of its Revocation.pdf