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Published June 19, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eviulisoma grumslingslak Enghoff 2018, sp. nov.


Eviulisoma grumslingslak sp. nov.

Fig. 25


Differs from other species of the E. dabagaense group by its larger size (width 2.5–3.4 mm vs 1.8–2.4 mm in other species) and by having the ventral margin of map strongly convex.


The name, here to be regarded as a noun in apposition, means ʻpregnantʼ in the now extinct Danish cryptolect ʻrotvaelskʼ and refers to the shape of the gonopodal postfemoral process which (somewhat) resembles the profile of a pregnant woman’s torso.

Material studied (total: 9 ♂♂)


TANZANIA: ♂, Morogoro Region, Udzungwa Mts National Park, Kidatu, Plot 6, 07°40′42.1″ S, 36°55′06.8″ E, 1482 m a.s.l., 21 Oct. 2014, pitfall trapping, J. Malumbres-Olarte leg. (ZMUC).


TANZANIA: ♂, same collection data as for holotype (ZMUC).

Referred non-type material

TANZANIA: 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀, Iringa Region, Udzungwa Mts, Ndundulu Forest, 07°46′ S, 36°29′ E, Waller’s Camp, tropical semi-evergreen forest, 1550 m a.s.l., 1–12 Jan. 2007. L.A. Hansen and local assistants leg. (ZMUC); 1 ♂, 5 ♀♀, 1 juv., same collection data as preceding, but Dec. 2006 (ZMUC); 1 ♂, Iringa Region, Udzungwa Mts, Ndundulu Forest, 07°46′ S, 36°29′ E, Luwasia Camp, semi-evergreen tropical, montane virgin forest, 1880 m a.s.l., 19 Feb.– 10 Mar. 2007, L. A. Hansen and local assistants leg. (ZMUC); 1 ♂, Iringa Region, Iringa District, West Kilombero Scarp FR, 07°45′34.2″ S, 36°26′37.4″ E, (open) woodland, 1510 m a.s.l., Plot Acacia, 7 Dec. 2000, Frontier Tanzania leg. (ZMUC); 3 ♂♂, same collection data as preceding, but 5 Dec. 2000, Frontier Tanzania leg. (ZMUC).

Description (male)

Holo- and paratype

SIZE. Length 34 mm, max. width 3.4 mm.

COLOUR. After 3 years in alcohol, overall impression: contrasting dark and pale transverse bands. Head light brown, vertigial region darker. Antennae pale yellow, or antennomeres 1–5 light brown, antennomeres 6–7 pale yellow. Collum brownish black. Postcollar body rings pale yellow; posterior dorsal quarter of metazonites brownish black; these dark transverse bands expanded in areas around ozopores. Legs pale yellow. Dorsal middle ⅓ of preanal ring brownish black.

ANTENNAE. Reaching back to middle of ring 4.

BODY RINGS. Paranota represented by a tiny keel on ring 2 (as in Fig. 4C), otherwise completely absent. Stricture between pro- and metazonite indistinctly striolate. A transverse row of setae on all rings.

HYPOPROCT. Rounded-triangular, with a large median and a pair of smaller lateral tubercles.

LEGS. Length 1.5 × body width. Relative lengths of podomeres: femur> prefemur> tarsus> postfemur = tibia. Scopulae on anterior legs on femur, postfemur, tibia and tarsus; those on femur and postfemur missing from posterior legs.

STERNUM 5. A small semicircular process between legs 4.

STERNUM 6. Deeply excavated, rim simple.

GONOPODS (Fig. 25). Coxa without a lateral process; coxal lobe (cxl) not very prominent. Prefemoral part (prf) ca 0.3× as long as acropodite; mesal acropodital process (map) large, lamelloid, ventral margin strongly convex, dorsal margin concave, in profile the process vaguely resembles the torso of a pregnant woman (sway-backed, big belly), tip of process with two strong denticles, a few smaller denticles along apical part of ventral and especially dorsal margin; solenophore (sph) a simple rolled sheet, less than ⅔ × as long as map, forming a tube with two small apical denticles.

Specimens from West Kilombero Scarp FR, including Ndundulu Forest:

Similar to type specimens, except as follows:

SIZE. Max. width 2.5–2.9 mm.

COLOUR. After 10 years in alcohol more or less faded, but differs from type specimens in having the collum pale with dark margins.

ANTENNAE. Reaching middle of ring 3.

LEGS. Length 1.4× body diameter.

GONOPODS. Denticles on ventral and dorsal margin of map in part indistinct /missing.

Distribution and habitat

Known from several sites in the Udzungwa Mts National Park and West Kilombero FR. Altitudinal range 1452–1880 m a.s.l. Habitat: mainly found in tropical semi-evergreen forest, but also in (open) Acacia woodland (cf. Frontier Tanzania 2001: 27, 174). Collected together with E. acaciae sp. nov. in West Kilombero FR, Plot Acacia, and with E. sternale sp. nov. in Ndundulu Forest.


The differences between the type specimens and those from West Kilombero FR seem to be constant, but they are not regarded as significant enough to distinguish the two populations taxonomically.


Published as part of Enghoff, Henrik, 2018, A mountain of millipedes VII: The genus Eviulisoma Silvestri, 1910, in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, and related species from other Eastern Arc Mountains. With notes on Eoseviulisoma Brolemann, 1920, and Suohelisoma Hoffman, 1963 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae), pp. 1-90 in European Journal of Taxonomy 445 on pages 54-56, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.445,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
2000-12-05 , 2000-12-07 , 2007-01-01 , 2007-02-19 , 2014-10-21
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
2000-12-05 , 2000-12-07 , 2007-01-01/12 , 2007-02-19/03-10 , 2014-10-21
Taxonomic concept label
Eviulisoma grumslingslak Enghoff, 2018