Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Seira harena Godeiro & Bellini, 2014, sp. nov.


Seira harena sp. nov.

Figs. 10, 11, 12 and 13

Type material. Holotype female, Brazil, Paraíba, Areia, Mata do Pau-Ferro, 24–27.xi.2011. Bellini, B.C. col. Paratypes 2 male and 3 female, same data as holotype. Type material deposited at Collembola Collection of DBEZ / UFRN.

Description. Total body length of holotype 3.075 mm. Habitus entomobryid (Fig. 10 A). Colour of mounted specimens pale yellow with dark blue pigment covering eye patches (Fig. 10 A). Well-developed mesothorax, projecting over the head dorsally (Fig. 10 A). Rounded brownish scales covering all Ant. I and II, basal halves of Ant. III and IV, head, thorax, abdomen, legs, manubrium (dorsally) and dentes (ventrally) and posterior side of ventral tube. Ant. IV not annulated, with a single apical bulb, several multiciliated setae, some small smooth setae and some blunt s-setae (Fig. 10 B). Eye patches oval with 8+8 lenses, the biggest B and smallest G (Fig. 10 C). Four interocular multiciliated mesochaetae (‘p’,‘q’, ‘r’, ‘s’), ‘t’ as microseta, external to eyepatch. Prelabral and labral setae smooth. Labial triangle ‘M1’, ‘M2’ and ‘E’ multiciliated, ‘r’ reduced (Fig. 10 D), ‘L1’, ‘L2’ multicilated (not drawn). Trochanteral organ with approximately 24 short spines (Fig. 10 E). All ungues with four teeth, two basal paired and two apical unpaired (Figs. 10 F–H). Unguiculi lanceolate, with slightly serrated posterior edges (Figs. 10 F-H). Tenent hair capitate with slightly serrated edges. Ventral manubrium with 7+7 subapical setae. Approximately 11+11 finger-like blunt macrochaetae present on distal manubrium and proximal dentes (Fig. 10 I). Mucro typically falcate (Fig. 10 J).

Dorsal head chaetotaxy. ‘An’ series with 9+9 macrochaetae; three super-numerary microsetae near An3; ‘A’ series lacking A4; A0, A2 and A5 as macrochaetae; A1 and A3 as microsetae; ‘M’ series with 4+4 setae; M2 and M4 as macrochaetae; M3 and M 4i as microsetae; ‘S’ series lacking S3 and S4; S0, S1, S2, S5 and S6 as macrochaetae; Interocular series with 5+5 setae; p, q, r, s as mesochaetae, t as microsetae, lateral to eyepatches; ‘Ps’ series with 3+3 microsetae, Ps4 absent (typical of Seira); Ps 5 in a abnormal posterior disposition (see Soto- Adames 2008); ‘Pa’ series with 5+5 setae, Pa4 absent; Pa1, Pa2 and Pa3 as microsetae; Pa5 as macrochaeta and Pa6 as post ocular trichobothrium; ‘Pm’ series with 2+2 microsetae, Pm2 absent (typical of Seira); ‘Pp’ series with 6+6 microsetae, one super-numerary seta near Pp3; Pe3 (microsetae) and Pe4 (?) (macrochaetae) present (Fig. 11).

Dorsal mesothorax chaetotaxy. ‘a’ series (without anterior setal collar) with 9+9 setae; a2p and a supernumerary seta near a5 as microsetae, a 5i 2, a 5i 2p, a5ip, a 5i, a5, a5p plus two super-numerary setae near a 5i 2 as macrochaetae (one of them appears as microsetae in one specimen); ‘m’ series with 12+12 setae, m 1i 3 absent; m 1i 2, m4, m5a, m5, m5p; m 1i, m1, m 2i, m2, m4ip, m 4i, m4p as macrochaetae; m5 and m5p distant from other ‘m’ series setae, near ‘p’ series (see Soto-Adames 2008); ‘p’ series with 11+11 to 16+16 setae, p 1i 2p and p2e absent; p 1i, p1, p2a, p2ea, p2ep, p3p, p3, p4, p5, p6 and p6e as microsetae; p 1i 2, p1ip,p1p, p2 and p2p as macrochaetae; p2ea, p2ep, p3p, p3, p4 group of setae totally absent in one specimen. Three super-numerary macrochaetae near p6 (not drawn–see Soto-Adames 2008) (Fig. 12 A).

Dorsal metathorax chaetotaxy. ‘a’ series with 9+9 (a1a, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 and a super-numerary seta next a4) microsetae; ‘m’ series with 5+5 setae; m4, m5, m6p and m7 as microsetae; m6 as macrochaetae; accessory seta present, near m7; ‘p’ series with 9+9 setae; p2a, p2e, p3, p4, p5, p6 as microsetae; p 1i, p1 and p2 as macrochaetae (Fig. 12 B).

Dorsal Abd. I chaetotaxy. ‘a’ series with 8+8 (a1, a1a, a1e, a2, a3, a5, a6 and a super-numerary seta (a7?) near a6) microsetae; ‘m’ series with 5+5 setae, m 4i absent; m4, m5 and m6 as microsetae; m2 and m3 as macrochaetae; ‘p’ series only represented by p5 microseta, p6 absent; accessory seta present near m7 (Fig. 12 C).

Dorsal Abd. II chaetotaxy. ‘a’ series with 7+7 setae; a2p, as, a6, a7 and a super-numerary seta near a5 as microsetae; a2 as macrochaetae; a5 as trichobothrium with 5 surrounding fan shaped scales; ‘m’ series with 7+7 setae; m 3ei, m3e, m3ea and m6 as microsetae; m3, m3ep and m5 as macrochaetae; m2 as trichobothrium with 4 surrounding fan shaped scales; ‘p’ series with 3+3 setae; p5 and p7 as microsetae; p6 as mesochaeta; el and se setae present, as microsetae (Fig. 12 D).

Dorsal Abd. III chaetotaxy. ‘a’ series with 8+8 setae; as and a3 as microsetae; am6 as macrochaeta; a1, a2 and a6 as fan shaped scales; a7 as mesochaeta; a5 as trichobothrium with 5 surrounding fan shaped scales; ‘m’ series with 7+7 setae, m3ea absent; m2 as trichobothrium with 4 surrounding fan shaped scales; m5 as trichobothrium with 3 surrounding fan shaped scales around; m4 as fan shaped scale; m7 and two super-numerary setae near em as microsetae; m3 as macrochaeta; ‘p’ series with 6+6 setae; p3, p5, p 7i and p7 as microsetae; pm6 and p6 as macrochaetae; em, se as microsetae; c3 and emp as fan shaped scales; d2 as accessory seta, near p5 (Fig. 13 A).

Dorsal Abd. IV chaetotaxy. ‘A’ series with 8+8 setae; A1 and a super-numerary seta near A1 as microsetae (A2a?); A2-6 as macrochaetae; Ae7 present as macrochaetae near B6; ‘B’ series with 6+6 setae; B1-6 as macrochaetae; ‘C’ series with 5+5 setae; C1 and C4 as macrochaetae; C1p, C2 and C3 as microsetae; ‘T’ series with 7+7 setae; T1, T3, T5 and T6 as microsetae; T2 and T4 as trichobothria with 4 surrounding fan shaped scales on each; T7 as mesochaeta; ps present as accessory microseta near T7; ‘D’ series with 5+5 setae; D1 and D2a as fan shaped scales; D2 as microseta; D3 as trichobothria with 3 surrounding fan shaped scales; D3p as mesochaeta; ‘E’ series with 7+7 setae; E2a, E2, E2p, E3 and E4p as macrochaetae; E4 and E4p2 as microseta; ‘F’ series with 6+6 setae; F1, F2, F3 and F3p as macrochaetae; F2p as microseta; an super-numerary mesochaeta near F3p; ‘Fe’ series with 4+4 setae; Fe3 as macrochaetae; Fe4 and Fe5 as mesochaeta; Fe6 as microseta (Fig. 13 B).

Distribution of dorsal macrochaetae of whole body as in Figure 13 C.

Etymology. The species was named after the type locality, Areia municipality. From the Latin, harena = sand.

Remarks. The presence of blunt modified setae apically on dentes and distally on the manubrium places S. harena sp. nov. in a subgroup of Seira originally described in the subgenus, Lepidocyrtinus Börner (Yosii 1959). This taxon, as the other subgenera of Seira, has not been used recently in descriptions, but specimens with this character are easily recognised, especially among the Brazilian fauna of Collembola (Soto-Adames et al. 2008, Bellini & Zeppelini 2011b). In Brazil, only three species with this morphology were previously known: Seira prodiga (Arlé 1959), S. xinguensis (Arlé 1959) and S. nigrans (Arlé 1959). Seira harena sp. nov. has some morphological similarities with these species, such as the fourth segment antennal not annulated, unguiculi acuminate, four inner ungual teeth and the general habitus. However, because the short descriptions of S. nigrans and the possibility that S. xinguensis and S. prodiga are the same species, only S. prodiga could be compared in detail with S. harena sp. nov. (Arlé 1959, Christiansen & Bellinger 2000). Seira harena sp. nov. differs from S. prodiga and other species of Seira in its unique combination of macrochaetae presented in Jacquemart’s cephalic regions 1 and 4C, Jacquemart’s (1974) region 3 of the mesothorax and regions A and B of the metathorax. Seira harena sp. nov. also has fewer blunt setae on the furcula compared to S. prodiga. A detailed comparison between the cited species of Seira is presented in Tables 2 and 3. The new species was collected at the beginning of the wet season, from litter and dead wood. The climate of Areia is ‘As’ according to Koeppen system (Kottek et al. 2006).


Published as part of Godeiro, Nerivania N. & Bellini, Bruno C., 2014, Three new species of Seira Lubbock (Collembola, Entomobryidae) from Caatinga Domain, northeastern Brazil, pp. 131-151 in Zootaxa 3764 (2) on pages 144-149, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.2,


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sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Seira harena Godeiro & Bellini, 2014


  • Yosii, R. (1959) Collembolan fauna of Cape Province with special reference to the genus Seira Lubbock. Biological Results of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, 6, 3 - 23.
  • Bellini, B. C. & Zeppelini, D. (2011 b) New genus and species of Seirini (Collembola, Entomobryidae) from Caatinga Biome, Northeastern Brazil. Zoosystema, 33 (4), 545 - 555. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5252 / z 2011 n 4 a 6
  • Arle, R. (1959) Collembola Arthropleona do Brasil oriental e central. Separata dos arquivos do Museu Nacional, 49, 155 - 211.
  • Christiansen, K. A. & Bellinger, P. (2000) A Survey of the Genus Seira (Hexapoda: Collembola: Entomobryidae). Caribbean Journal of Science, 36 (1 - 2), 39 - 75.
  • Kottek, M., Grieser, J., Beck, C., Rudolf, B. & Rubel, F. (2006) World Map of the Koppen-Geiger climate classification updated. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 15, 259 - 263. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1127 / 0941 - 2948 / 2006 / 0130