Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) mallochi Walley


Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) mallochi (Walley)

(Figs 1, 2 D; 3 D; 4 D, K; 5 B, G; 7 D–F; 10)

Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) auriensis Roback Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) ornata Beck et Beck Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) tarella Roback

Material examined. CANADA: Manitoba, Pinawa, male reared from larva, 25.vii 1967, J. Ireland; Manitoba, Rat River south of Woodridge, sandy silt, 0.2 m, female reared from larva, 1967, A. L. Hamilton, B. Hauser, and O. A. Saether; British Columbia, Marion Lake, at dock, male, 17.vii. 1965, A. L. Hamilton. Lake Winnipeg records: Gull Harbour, 2 males, 16.vii. 1969; Gimli Government Wharf, 1 male, 24.vii. 1969; Grand Rapids Government Wharf, 3 males, 28.vii. 1969; Pine Dock, 1 male, 31.vii. 1969; Beaver Point, 3 males, 30.vii. & 19.viii. 1971; 20 Mile Creek, 1 male, 22.vii. 1971; Old Fishing Dock, 9 males, 29.vii. –18.viii. 1971; Calder's Dock, 2 males, 26.viii. 1971; Calder's Dock, 5 males, 27.vii. 1971; Beaver Creek, emergence traps, 3 males, –25.vii. 1971; South Basin, 3 larvae, 24.vii. –1.viii. 1969; Narrows, 3 larvae, 9. –17.viii. 1969.


This species was one of the three present in the bottom samples from Lake Winnipeg. The male and the immatures are illustrated.

Distribution. The species is widespread Nearctic (Roback 1971: 367, 1985: 194; Oliver et al. 1990: 10; Spies 1999; Hudson et al. 1990: 3; Epler 2003, 2010; Caldwell 2009; Ashe & O’Connor 2009: 116).


Published as part of Saether, Ole A., 2011, Notes on Canadian Ablabesmyia Johannsen, with keys to known Nearctic immatures of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae), pp. 43-62 in Zootaxa 3069 on pages 53-54, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.279010


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  • Roback, S. S. (1971) The adults of the subfamily Tanypodinae (= Pelopiinae) in North America (Diptera: Chironomidae). Monograph of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 17, 1 - 410.
  • Oliver, D. R., Dillon, M. E. and Cranston, P. S. (1990) A catalog of Nearctic Chironomidae. Research Branch Agriculture Canada Publication, 1857 / B, 89 pp.
  • Spies, M. (1999) A listing of Chironomidae reported from California. Version of November 1999. Available from: http: // insects. ummz. lsa. umich. edu / ~ ethanbr / chiro / chklists / california. html
  • Hudson, P. L., Lenat, D. R. & Caldwell, B. A. (1990) Chironomidae of the southeastern United States: A checklist of species and notes on biology, distribution and habitat. Fish and Wildlife Research, 7, 1 - 46.
  • Epler, J. (2003) Epler's checklist of the Chironomidae of North and South Carolina (last updated 7 July 2003). http: // home. comcast. net / ~ johnepler 3 / NCSCCHCK. pdf
  • Epler, J. (2010) Checklist of the Chironomidae of the Chironomidae of Florida (last updated 10 February 2010). http: // home. comcast. net / ~ johnepler 3 / FLchiro. html
  • Caldwell, B. (2009) The Chironomidae (Diptera) of Georgia (USA) (Last updated June 2, 2009.) http: // home. mindspring. com / ~ bacaldwell / index. html
  • Ashe, P. & O'Connor, J. P. (2009) A World Catalogue of Chironomidae (Diptera). Part 1. Buchonomyiinae, Chilenomyinae, Podonominae, Aphroteniinae, Tanypodinae, Usambaromyiinae, Diamesinae, Prodiamesinae and Telmatogetoninae. Irish Biographical Society & National Museum of Ireland, Dublin. 445 pp.