Published May 6, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Mecodema tenaki Seldon & Leschen 2011


Mecodema tenaki Seldon & Leschen, 2011.

Figure 56.

Diagnosis: Differs from other North Island Mecodema species by having: 1, pronotal carina with 4-6 setae along each side (curvidens species group); 2, pronotal carina smooth; 3, pronotal disc with a small depression each side anterad pronotal foveae; 4, shape of the basal lobe and setal distribution of the left paramere (Fig. 56 LP).

Description: Length 23.6–27 mm, pronotal width 6.4–7.4 mm, elytral width 7.4–8.5 mm. Colour of entire dorsal body glossy black, entire ventral body matte black.

Head: Broad and flat (Fig. 14A). Vertex smooth; vertexal groove narrow, defined entire length with V-shape medially (Fig. 56); large supraorbital puncture bearing 3 setae; 2 shallow supraorbital grooves; frons smooth with a large and very shallow depression each side of midline; frontoclypeal suture (Fig. 9) indistinct, except laterally where it meets deep tentorial pits; anterior area of clypeus with indistinct or without microsculpture; clypeus with 1 large setose puncture on each side bearing 2–3 setae (Fig. 56). Labrum rounded, anterior edge outwardly curved with 2 proximate central setae, 2 setae each side evenly spaced. Mentum lobes squared (Fig. 12G), median process very short and broad, slightly angled upward (15°), strongly indentate (Fig. 12A); setose punctures present. Submentum sclerite constriction narrow with 4–6 setae clustered laterally. Stipes with 2 basal setae. Gula pits large within defined suture, gula (Fig. 8) weakly convex with very fine and closely packed transverse wrinkles. Gena with well-defined isodiametric pattern across entire area.

Prothorax: Prothoracic carina narrow the entire length, slightly crenulated with 4–6 setae each side (Fig. 56), extended beyond anterior angle; posterior lateral sinuation indistinctly carinate, slightly angled inward; pronotum broad and flattened but deflected to carina, overall shape cordate (Fig. 56); midline well-defined, fine transverse wrinkles may be present laterally on disc, small shallow dents present either side of midline; pronotal foveae deep and narrow; anterior edge slightly inwardly curved, posterior edge straight, slightly emarginated medially. Prosternum flat with fine, evenly spaced, transverse lines; proepisternum without microsculpture. Procoxal (Fig. 2) setae absent; protibia distally expanded and shovel-like (Fig. 10B).

Elytra: Broad and flattened but deflected to carina; humeral angle anteriorly convergent (Fig. 6A); basal margin sharply angled (Fig. 56) and bevelled to base, interval 1 extended to scutellum, other intervals and striae truncated at margin; humerus with 1–2 setose punctures (Fig. 56); lateral carina (Fig. 11) narrow the entire length, extended to humeral angle; suture well-defined; striae with small, regularly distributed, asetose punctures; intervals weakly convex; interval microsculpture absent; 7 th strial setal pattern with 0–1 setose punctures in anterior ½, 3–4 evenly spaced setose punctures in posterior ½ (Fig. 56), setose punctures small.

Ventral surface: Mesepisternum with rugose wrinkles; metepisternum without microsculpture; setose punctures present on mesocoxae (1) and metacoxae (1). All abdominal ventrites (Fig. 2) wrinkled laterally; ventrites 1–3 without setose punctures, ventrites 4 and 5 setose punctures present (1–2) each side of midline; lateral foveae absent; ventrite 6 setae present: ♂ with 2–4 setose punctures each side of midline, apical edge straight, ♀ with 2–4 setose punctures each side of midline, apical edge bluntly pointed. Anterior metaventrite process (Fig. 2) an apically broad triangle with carina poorly defined apically, narrowed posterad.

Male genitalia: Apical portion of penis lobe symmetrically rounded (Fig. 56 PL) with a slight deflection to right of vertical axis (VV) (Fig. 15C); ventral edge of penis lobe straight (VV); overall length of shaft penis lobe broad and short, slightly curved ventrally (LV) (Fig. 16A). Structures of the endophallus (Fig. 4): lateral form of the apex of the central spicule rounded; dorsal form of the apex of the central spicule short and narrow; seta (scales) coverage of the apical plate moderate (26–75%); size of left setose flange small; size of right setose flange large. Left paramere basal lobe ovate, narrowed slightly toward arm (Fig. 56 LP), short slope to arm; arm long and broad, narrowed to indistinct terminal lobe; apical tuft of sparse, medium-lengthed setae; setae extended along apical ¾ of ventral edge (Fig. 56 LP), ventral edge curved. Right paramere narrowly rectangular, gradually narrowed to terminus with setae extended along apical ¾ of ventral edge (Fig. 56 RP).

Female genitalia: Basal gonocoxite 1 (Fig. 5) short and broad, ventral surface with a few longitudinal grooves, internal dorso-lateral carina with 2 setae. Gonocoxite 2 a short, rounded triangle with apical edge slightly reflexed. Ramus long and narrow.

Comments: Mecodema tenaki has a very limited range, residing in degraded native kanuka (Kunzea robusta)- broadleaf forest patches in the North Cape to Cape Reinga areas.

Distribution: New Zealand, North Island, Northland, restricted to the Cape Reinga to North Cape area (see Ball et al. 2013).

Holotype: NZAC male labelled. NEW ZEALAND ND Cape Reinga Te Paki RBB-7 13 Nov 2006 O. Ball / HOLOTYPE Mecodema tenaki n. sp. design. by Seldon & Leschen 2010 [red label].

Paratypes: (see Seldon & Leschen 2011).


Published as part of Seldon, David S. & Buckley, Thomas R., 2019, The genus Mecodema Blanchard 1853 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Broscini) from the North Island, New Zealand, pp. 1-148 in Zootaxa 4598 (1) on pages 114-116, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4598.1.1,


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Seldon & Leschen
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Mecodema tenaki Seldon, 2011 sec. Seldon & Buckley, 2019


  • Seldon, D. S. & Leschen, R. A. B. (2011) Revision of the Mecodema curvidens species group (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Broscini). Zootaxa, 2829, 1 - 45. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 2829.1.1
  • Ball, O. J. - P, Whaley, P. T., Booth, A. M. & Hartley, S. (2013) Habitat associations and detectability of the endemic Te Paki ground beetle Mecodema tenaki (Coleoptera: Carabidae). New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 37 (1), 84 - 94.