Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



Key to species of the genus Tanaella

(modified after Guerrero-Kommritz & Błażewicz-Paszkowycz 2004)

1. Uropod endopod two-articled............................................................................ 2

- Uropod endopod one-articled............................................................................6

2. Cephalothorax as long as broad............................................................ T. rotundicephala

- Cephalothorax longer than broad......................................................................... 3

3. Uropods shorter than length of pleotelson........................................................... T. dongo

- Uropods longer than length of pleotelson...................................................................4

4. Pleotelson as long as combined length of first two pleonites......................................... T. propinquus

- Pleotelson longer than combined length of first two pleonites................................................... 5

5. Antennule article-1 shorter than combined length of last three articles................................... T. unisetosa

- Antennule article-1 longer than combined length of last three articles.................................... T. forcifera

6. Uropods longer than pleotelson........................................................................... 7

- Uropods as long as, or shorter than, pleotelson.............................................................. 12

7. Pleotelson tapering posteriorly to a pointed or rounded apex.................................................... 8

- Pleotelson not tapering posteriorly; rounded apex........................................................... 10

8. At least one pereonite as long as wide, or longer than wide........................................... T. tuberculata

- All pereonites wider than long...........................................................................9

9. Pleonites 2–5 rounded lateral edges. Pleotelson longer than combined length of four pleonites............. T. busteri n. sp.

- Pleonites 2–5 straight lateral edges. Pleotelson as long as combined length of three pleonites................. T. profunda

10. Uropod basal article as long as endopod......................................................... T. kommritzia

- Uropod basal article shorter than endopod.................................................................11

11. Some pereonites longer than wide. Uropod basal article shorter than half of endopod....................... T. ochracea

- All pereonites wider than long. Uropod basal article more than half length of endopod.................... T. prolixcauda

12. Cheliped dactylus with proximal process on inner margin........................................... T. unguicillata

- Cheliped dactylus without proximal process on inner margin.................................................. 13

13. Uropod shorter than pleotelson. Pereopods 4–6 with ventral margin of propodus serrate............................. 14

- Uropod as long as pleotelson. Pereopods 4–6 with ventral margin of propodus not serrate........................... 16

14. Antenna article-4 without fusion line. Pereopod-1 basis margin with minute setae.............................. T. kimi

- Antenna article-4 with fusion line. Pereopod-1 basis margin without minute setae.................................. 15

15. Uropod more than two-thirds as long as pleotelson.................................................... T. kroyeri

- Uropod about half as long as pleotelson.......................................................... T. mclellandi

16. Basis of pereopods 1–3 longer than remainder of the pereopod...................................... T. paraforcifera

- Basis of pereopods 1–3 shorter than remainder of the pereopod........................................ T. eltaninae


Published as part of Drumm, David T. & Bird, Graham J., 2016, New deep-sea Paratanaoidea (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, pp. 389-414 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on pages 402-403, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.2,


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  • Guerrero-Kommritz, J. & Blazewicz-Paszkowycz, M. (2004) New species of Tanaella Norman and Stebbing, 1886 (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the deep-sea of the Antarctica and the Angola Basin. Zootaxa, 459, 1 - 20.