Published January 27, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Glenognatha camisea Cabra-García & Brescovit, 2016, new species


Glenognatha camisea new species

(Figs. 77–79, 133)

Types. Male holotype from Río Camisea, La Convención, Cusco, Peru, 11º47´9.8´´S, 72º42´5.3´´W, elev. 474m, iii–iv.1997, S. Córdoba leg., deposited in MUSM 0505885; Paratypes: 1♂, same data as the holotype, deposited in MUSM 0504913; 1♂ from Río Camisea, Cashiari, La Convención, Cusco, Peru, 11º51´51.3´´S, 72º46´45.6´´W, elev. 579m, v–vi.1997, S. Córdoba leg., deposited in MUSM 0 504905.

Etymology. The species epithet is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. Diagnosis. Males of G. camisea can be distinguished from all other Glenognatha species by slender distal portion of the paracymbium (Figs. 78H, 79C).

Male (holotype). Habitus as in Figures 77 A –D. Carapace pale brown, darker on sides and along furrows, with a median lighter patch. Sternum brown, with darker bands towards the median region. Abdomen oval, dorsally with two dusky longitudinal bands on sides and one median posterior band that divides into two lateral bands that join medially in the posterior region. Silver guanine spots scattered in lighter dorsal regions and on lateral surfaces. Venter with a pale black median band and two lighter lateral bands. Legs yellow-brownish with distal parts of segments darker. Total length 1.62. Cephalothorax 0.80 long, 0.62 wide, 0.45 high. Abdomen 0.97 long, 0.80 wide, 0.82 high. Sternum 0.40 long, 0.45 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.08. ALE 0.07. PME 0.07. PLE 0.06. AME-AME 0.06, AME-ALE 0.04, PME-PME 0.04, PME-PLE 0.05, ALE-PLE 0.01. Clypeus height 1.17. Chelicerae with the same coloration of the cephalothorax. Three promarginal and four retromarginal teeth (Figs. 77E–G). Anterior tooth well-developed (Fig. 77E, G). Leg measurements: I: femur 1.02, patella 0.25, tibia 1.75, metatarsus 0.80, tarsus 0.57, total 3.72; II: 0.90, 0.25, 0.90, 0.81, 0.52, 3.38; III: 0.62, 0.20, 0.45, 0.52, 0.35, 2.15; IV: 0.85, 0.20, 0.71, 0.67, 0.42, 2.86. Metatarsus IV with one trichobothrium. DTS 0.10. DTE 0.36. Epiandrous fusules as in Figure 79D. Palp as in Figures 78E–H. Paracymbium distal portion slender (Figs. 78H, 79C).

Female. Unknown.

Variation. Male total length 1.62–1.75 (N = 6; average 1.66), cephalothorax length 0.75–0.85 (N = 6; average 0.79), femur I length 0.97–1.25 (N = 6; average 1.08).

Distribution. Known from Cusco state in Peru (Fig. 133).

Material examined (N = 3). PERU: Cusco: La Convención, Río Camisea, 11º47´9.8´´S, 72º42´5.3´´W, elev. 474m, S. Córdoba leg., 1♂ (MUSM 0504917);

La Convención, Echarate, C. N. Timpia, 12º6´S, 72º49´W, elev. 730m, 25–31.i.2010, E. Razúri & C. Espinoza leg., 1♂ (MUSM 0500942); La Convención, 12º19´21.26´´S, 73º2´44.08´´W, elev. 792m, 23.iv.2007, W. Paredes leg., 1♂ (MUSM 0504903).


Published as part of Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), pp. 1-183 in Zootaxa 4069 (1) on pages 97-100, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4069.1.1,


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Collection code
Material sample ID
MUSM 0504913 , MUSM 0504917 , MUSM 0505885
Scientific name authorship
Cabra-García & Brescovit
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Taxonomic concept label
Glenognatha camisea Cabra-García & Brescovit, 2016