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Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



Taxonomy of Strandesia

Bradleycypris obliqua (Brady, 1868) was placed in Strandesia by Karanovic (2005), but we reject this decision, as characteristics of this species do not conform to those of Strandesia s.s. As was mentioned above, B. obliqua, (the type species of this monospecific genus) has a strongly oblique carapace in frontal view and no inner list on the LV. Martens et al. (2008) accounted for 134 species in Strandesia s.l. worldwide. Here, we retain a subset of these species in Strandesia s.s. (Table 5). Eleven species of Strandesia are allocated to Bradleystrandesia (Table 6) because of the presence of the Triebel’s loop in the dorsal branch. The following comments can be added.

Bradleystrandesia crassa (Klie, 1939)

Bradleystrandesia dani (George & Martens, 1993)

Bradleystrandesia decorata (Sars, 1903)

Bradleystrandesia lineata (Victor & Fernando, 1981) Syn.: Strandesia amati (Martens, 1984)

Bradleystrandesia parva (Hartmann, 1964)

Bradleystrandesia tolimensis (Roessler, 1990)

Bradleystrandesia trichurensis (Victor et al., 1980)

Bradleystrandesia trispinosa (Pinto & Purper, 1965) Syn.: Strandesia trispinosa galantis (Broodbakker, 1983)

Bradleystrandesia tuberculata (Hartmann, 1964)

Bradleystrandesia umbonata (Victor & Fernando, 1981)

Bradleystrandesia weberi (Moniez, 1892)

Strandesia amati (Martens, 1984) strongly resembles Strandesia lineata Victor & Fernando, 1981, in valve ornamentation and in shape of the carapace. These species were considered by Martens (1984) as different taxa, owing to a number of different morphological features, e.g. the relative length of A2-claws, the length of the A2-aesthetasc, the shape of the Triebel’s loop and the number of rays on T1-respiratory plate. However, a comparison of the original descriptions of S. amati and S. lineata, as well as new material from Thailand, reveals that these two taxa should be considered synonyms. Although there is some morphological variability in the chaetotaxy mentioned above, as well as in the setae on the T2-terminal segment, this is most likely owing to the fact that S. lineata was described from last juvenile stage specimens (Victor & Fernando 1981) in which limbs and setae are not yet completely developed. Strandesia amati is thus sunk in to the synonymy of S. lineata and the latter species is transferred to Bradleystrandesia.

Strandesia bicornuta was described from India (Hartmann 1964). The original description and illustrations were incomplete and even questionable in some features, so that the position of this enigmatic species remained uncertain. Martens & George (1992) redescribed the species on material from Kerala (India). These authors mentioned that the species has more affinities with the South African Cypricercus lineage than with Strandesia, relying on the presence of anterior and posterior spines and the absence of a dorsal protuberance. However, after rechecking materials in the R.B.I.N.Sc. which were collected from Kerala State, India by Martens & George (1992) (specimes O.C. 1661–1670), it can be confirmed that this species belongs to Strandesia s.s., as it has the typical characters of Strandesia described above.

Strandesia trispinosa, previously in Cyprinotus, was described from southern Brazil by Pinto & Purper (1965). This species was divided into 2 subspecies, S. trispinosa trispinosa and S. trispinosa galantis, by Broodbakker (1983). Although the morphology of the soft parts of both forms was identical, Broodbakker (loc. cit) decided to erect this new subspecies because of the geographical distance. However, this view is ruled out since S. trispinosa galantis has recently also been recorded from the Paraná River (Brazil) (Higuti et al. 2007). Based on a comparison of the descriptions of these two subspecies and on a reexamination of material of S. trispinosa from Brazil, we conclude that the variation in length of the anterior and posterior spines is insufficient to warrant distinction between subspecies. Hence, S. trispinosa galantis is here considered a synonym of the nominotypical form. In addition, we lodge S. trispinosa in Bradleystrandesia, because of the presence of the Triebel’s loop in the dorsal branch of the caudal ramus attachment.

Strandesia antetuberculata Hartmann & Petersen, 1985 Strandesia asymmetros Rome, 1962

Strandesia biwaensis Okubo, 2004

Strandesia bornemiszai Klie, 1935

Strandesia brteki Rybecki, 1988

Strandesia calapanensis Tressler, 1937 Strandesia canadensis (Sars, 1926)

Strandesia caudata Klie, 1939

Strandesia cavernicola Broodbakker, 1983 Strandesia chondropherusa Rome, 1965 Strandesia clorocelis Anichini, 1967

Strandesia complexa Victor & Fernando, 1981 Strandesia denticulata Tressler, 1950 Strandesia diversicolor Klie, 1938

Strandesia donnetii (Baird, 1850)

Strandesia dorsoviridis McKenzie, 1966 Strandesia elatior (Vavra, 1897)

Strandesia elliptica elliptica (Sars, 1901) Strandesia elliptica mayor Roessler, 1990 Strandesia elongata Hartmann, 1964

Strandesia feuerborni Klie, 1932

Strandesia flavescens Klie, 1932

Strandesia freyi Victor & Fernando, 1981 Strandesia hystrix (Furtos, 1933)

Strandesia intrepida Furtos, 1936

Strandesia itapeva Tressler, 1950

Strandesia kilimensis (Daday, 1910)

Strandesia kraepelini (Müller, 1906)

Strandesia laticauda (Daday, 1910)

Strandesia mammarilorum mammarilorum Victor & Fernando, 1981 Strandesia mammarilorum sumatrana Victor & Fernando, 1981 Strandesia marmorata (Brady, 1886) Strandesia minuta Klie, 1936

Strandesia mulargiae Anichini, 1967

Strandesia mutica (Sars, 1901)

Strandesia obliqua Klie, 1940

Strandesia obtusata obtusata (Sars, 1901) Syn.: Strandesia itapeva Tressler, 1950 Strandesia obtusata roessleri Martens & Behen, 1994 Strandesia ovalis Tressler, 1950

Strandesia pedroensis Tressler, 1950

Strandesia phoenix De Deckker, 1981 Strandesia postica Rome, 1962

Strandesia prava Klie, 1935

Strandesia puncticulata (Daday, 1910) Strandesia purpurascens (Brady, 1886) Strandesia quasirotunda Hartmann & Petersen, 1985 Strandesia regularis Rome, 1962

Strandesia reticulata (Daday, 1898)

Strandesia riograndensis Tressler, 1950 Strandesia rotunda (Tressler, 1950)

Strandesia rouxi Mehes, 1939

Strandesia saetosa Hartmann, 1964

Strandesia santaeluciae (Klie, 1935)

Strandesia sexpunctata Klie, 1932

Strandesia spinulosa Bronshtein, 1958 in Akatova, 1958

Strandesia striatoreticulata Klie, 1932

Strandesia sudanica Sywula, 1970

Strandesia taeniata (Vavra, 1895)

Strandesia tenuicauda (Brady, 1886)

Strandesia thermalis Rybecky, 1988

Strandesia tietensis Tressler, 1950

Strandesia towoetensis Tressler, 1937

Strandesia uenoi Klie, 1938

Strandesia ujijensis Rome, 1962

Strandesia unguiculata Brehm, 1938

Strandesia venezolana Broodbakker, 1983

Strandesia victori Harshey & Srinivasan, 1987

Strandesia vinciguerrae (Masi, 1905) Syn.: Strandesia anterotundata Rome, 1977

Strandesia vittata (Sars, 1903)

Strandesia wierzejskii (Grochmalicki, 1915)

Strandesia wolterecki Tressler, 1937

The exact position of most of the other Strandesia and Cypricercus species remains unclear, mainly because of the incomplete descriptions of these species. In most cases, no account is provided of the appearance of the α-seta on the Md-palp and of the d-seta on the T1, which are significant taxonomic features of this group. These uncertain species are listed in Tables 4 and 7 for Cypricercus and Strandesia, respectively.


Published as part of Savatenalinton, Sukonthip & Martens, Koen, 2009, Redescription of the type species of Strandesia Stuhlmann, 1888 and Cypricercus Sars, 1895 (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cypricercinae), with a description of a new species of Cypricercus from South Africa, pp. 1-42 in Zootaxa 2007 on pages 36-38, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.185703


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  • Brady, G. S. (1868) A monograph of the recent British Ostracoda. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 26 (2), 353 - 495.
  • Karanovic, I. (2005) On the genus Strandesia Stulmann, 1888 (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cyprididae) with description of Strandesia kimberleyi n. sp. and a key to the extent species of the genus. Contributions to Zoology, 74 (1 / 2), 77 - 95.
  • Martens, K., Schon, I., Meisch, C. & Horne, D. J. (2008) Global biodiversity of non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea). Hydrobiologia, 595, 185 - 193.
  • Klie, W. (1939) Ostracoden aus dem Kenia-Gebiet, vornehmlich von dessen hochgebirgen. Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie, 39 (1 / 2), 99 - 161.
  • George, S. & Martens, K. (1993) Two new species of freshwater ostracoda of the genus Strandesia Stuhlmann, 1888 from Kerala, India. Journal of Natural History, 27, 255 - 265.
  • Victor, R. & Fernando, C. H. (1981) Freshwater ostracods (Crustacea: Ostracoda) of the genus Strandesia Vavra, 1895 from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, Supplements, 58 (4), 469 - 522.
  • Martens, K. (1984) On the freshwater ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) of the Sudan, with special reference to the Red Sea Hill, including a description of a new species. Hydrobiologia, 110, 137 - 161.
  • Hartmann, G. (1964) Asiatische Ostracoden. Systematiche und zoogeographische Untersuchungen. Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, Systematische Beihefte, 3, 1 - 155.
  • Roessler, E. W. (1990) Estudios sobre los ostracodos de agua dulce en Colombia- 6, parte 4: Estudio taxonomico del grupo Strandesia psittacea psittacea (Sars, 1901). Caldasia, 16 (77), 215 - 230.
  • Victor, R., Paul, M. A. & Fernando, C. H. (1980) Two new species of the genus Strandesia Vavra, 1895 (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from Kerala, Southern India. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 58 (5), 727 - 734.
  • Pinto, I. D. & Purper, I. (1965) A new fresh-water ostracode Cyprinotus trispinosa Pinto et Purper, sp. nov., from southern Brazil, its ontogenetic carapace variation and seasonal distribution. Publicacao Especial, Escola de Geologia, Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul, 7, 1 - 53.
  • Broodbakker, N. W. (1983) The genus Strandesia and other Cypricercini (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in the West Indies. Part I. Taxonomy. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 53 (2), 327 - 368.
  • Moniez, R. (1892) Entomostraces d'eua douce de Sumatra et de Celebes 2: Ostracodes. Zoologische ergebnisse einer reise in Niederlaendisch ostindien, 2 (1), 129 - 135.
  • Martens, K. & George, S. (1992) On Strandesia bicornuta Hartmann. Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells, 19 (14), 61 - 66.
  • Higuti, J., Velho, L. F. M., Lansac-Toha, F. A. & Martens, K. (2007) Pleuston communities are buffered from regional flood pulses: the example of ostracods in the Parana River floodplain, Brazil. Freshwater Biology, 52, 1930 - 1943.
  • Hartmann, G. & Petersen, H. (1985) Homonyms of recent and fossil Ostracoda (Crustacea) and the introduction of three new names. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, 82, 263 - 267.
  • Rome, D. R. (1962) Ostracodes: Exploration Hydrobiologique du lac Tanganika. Resultats Scientifiques, 3 (8), 1 - 305.
  • Okubo, I. (2004) Nihon tansui san kaimijinko rui ni tsuite. Kabushikigaisha Sanmon Insatsusho, Okayama, Japan, 72 pp. (In Japanese, privately published).
  • Klie, W. (1935) Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et P. A. Chappuis en Afrique occidentale Francaise: VIII. Ostracoda aus dem tropischen Westafrika. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 28, 35 - 68.
  • Rybecki, M. (1988) Zwei neue arten der ostracodengattung Strandesia Vavra, 1895 aus thermalgewaessern der Slowakei. Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, 187, 1 - 8.
  • Tressler, W. L. (1937) Ostracoda: Mitteilung 18 von der Wallacea-Expedition Woltereck 1931 - 32. Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie, 34 (3 - 5), 188 - 207.
  • Sars, G. O. (1926) Freshwater Ostracoda from Canada and Alaska. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 - 1918: 7 (Crustacea), Part 1 (Ostracoda), Ottawa, 23 pp.
  • Rome, D. R. (1965) Ostracodes. Parc National de l'upemba, Mission G. F. de Witte, 69 (1), 3 - 71.
  • Anichini, G. (1967) Gli Ostracodi della Sardegna- 1: Forme reperite nel bacino del flumendosa. Rendiconti del Seminario della facolta di scienze della Universita di Cagliari, 37 (1 / 2), 175 - 216.
  • Tressler, W. L. (1950) A synopsis of the ostracod genus Cypricercus, with a description of one new species from Wyoming. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 40 (9), 291 - 295.
  • Klie, W. (1938) Ostracoden aus dem Belgischen Kongogebiet. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 30 (3), 364 - 388.
  • Baird, W. (1850) The natural history of the British Entomostraca. I - VIII. The Ray Society, London, 364 pp.
  • McKenzie, K. G. (1966) Freshwater Ostracoda from North-Western Australia. Australian Journal of marine and freshwater Research, 17, 259 - 279.
  • Vavra, W. (1897) Die Susswasser-Ostracoden Deutsch-ost-afrikas. Deutsch-Ost-Afrika, 4 (2 / 3), 1 - 28.
  • Sars, G. O. (1901) Contribution to the knowledge of the fresh-water Entomostraca of south America, as shown by artificial hatching from dried material. Part 2. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, 24 (1), 1 - 52.
  • Klie, W. (1932) Die Ostracoden der Deutschen Limnologischen Sundra-Expedition. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, supplementband, 11, 447 - 502.
  • Furtos, N. C. (1933) The Ostracoda of Ohio. Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey, 29, 411 - 524.
  • Furtos, N. C. (1936) On the Ostracoda from the cenotes of Yucatan and vicinity. Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 457, 89 - 115.
  • Daday, E. (1910) Untersuchungen uber die Susswasser-Mikrofauna Deutsch-Ost-Afrikas. Zoologica, originalanhandlungen aus dem gesamtgebiete der Zoologie, 23 (59), 1 - 314.
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  • Brady, G. S. (1886) Notes on Entomostraca collected by Mr. A. Haly in Ceylon. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, 19, 293 - 317.
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  • Martens, K & Behen, F. (1994) A checklist of the non-marine ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from South-American inland waters and adjacent islands. Travaux Scientifiques du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Luxembourg, 22, 1 - 81.
  • De Deckker, P. (1981) Ostracoda from Australian inland waters - notes on taxonomy and ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 93 (1), 43 - 85.
  • Daday, E. (1898) Mikroskopische Susswassertiere aus Ceylon. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek, supplement, 21, 1 - 123.
  • Mehes, G. (1939) Ostracodes de la nouvelle-Caledonie. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 46 (17), 549 - 566.
  • Akatova, N. A. (1958) Strandesia spinulosa Bronstein (in litt.) sp. n. (Ostracoda). Doklady Akademii Nauk tadzhikskoy SSR, 1 (4), 37 - 39.
  • Sywula, T. (1970) Notes on Ostracoda, 5: Taxonomy of the genus Candona Baird, 6: Species from dar fur (Western Sudan). Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Classe 2, Serie des Sciences Biologiques, 18 (2), 79 - 86.
  • Vavra, W. (1895) Die von Dr. F. Stuhlmann gesammelten Susswasser-Ostracoden Zanzibar's. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten, 12, 1 - 23.
  • Brehm, V. (1938) Contribution a l'etude du Plankton d'eau douce d'Angola: 4. Cladoceren und Ostracoden. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 32, 488 - 502.
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  • Rome, D. R. (1977) Ostracoden du lac Kivu. Memoires de l'Institut Geologique de l'Universite de Louvain, 29, 241 - 287.
  • Grochmalicki, J. (1915) Beitraege zur kenntnis der Suesswasserfauna Javas: Phylopoda, Copepoda und Ostracoda. Bulletin International de l'Academie des Sciences de Cracovie, Classe des Sciences Mathermatiques et Naturelles, Serie B: Sciences Naturelles, 1915, 217 - 242.