Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Nototanaidae Sieg 1976


Family NOTOTANAIDAE Sieg, 1976

Genus Nototanais Richardson, 1906 Nototanais dimorphus (Beddard, 1886) Figs 9–10

Paratanais dimorphus Beddard, 1886a, p.119; 1886b, pp.130–132. pl. XVIII, figs. 1–8.

Nototanais dimorphus Richardson, 1906, p.187; 1908, pp.1–3, Fig. 1 Nototanais australis Richardson, 1908, p. 1, fig. 1.

Nototanais australis Vanhöffen, 1914, p. 470.

Notototanais magellanicus Monod, 1925, p. 296; 1926, p. 10, fig. 1. Nototanais dimorphus Shiino, 1970, PP. 85-91, figs. 6-10. Nototanais australis Lang, 1973, p. 222.

Nototanais dimorphus Sieg, 1980b, pp.54-60, figs. 6, 8–9 and 11.

Material examined: 1 female, 51º04.08ʹS 74º08.49ʹW, rocky bottom, 5–15 m, 27 January 2010; 18 neuters and females, 50º50.74ʹS 74º01.58ʹW, rocky bottom, 5–15 m, 28 January 2010; 1 female, 48º40.48ʹS 74º27.46ʹW, rocks with red algae, 5–15 m, 22 March 2010. All coll. R. Barría, E. Newcombe, M. Hune, T. Césped. M. Palacios, C. Cárdenas, A. Montiel, M. Hune and C. Aldea.

Nototanais dimorphus is, as its specific name suggests, a strongly dimorphic species. Only juveniles and females were found in BONP. Consequently, the diagnosis proposed herein obviates sexual dimorphic characters, but is valid for both genders. Drawings of the specimens from BONP are included to complete previous descriptions (i.e. Beddard, 1886; Shiino, 1970) and revisions (Sieg, 1980b).

Diagnosis: Nototanais with body relatively narrow; maxillular palp bearing two long, terminal setae; pereopods 4 to 6 merus bearing long, straight, terminal spines.

Remarks: Body length of specimens from BONP: 2.2–2.7 mm. In our specimens, the spines on the carpus of pereopods 4 to 6 are long and straight (Figs 10 D, F), reaching (at least two of them) half of the length of the propodus. Although Shiino (1970) illustrates these spines as being significantly shorter, our specimens agree with Sieg (1980b), who considered them as a diagnostic character that differentiates N. dimorphus from N. antarcticus (with short, finely plumose spines). Shiino (1970) observed three spines on the tip of the propodus of pereopod 6, while other authors made no special mention of this feature; our specimens have between four and seven of these spines (Figs 10 F).

This species is known from the southern hemisphere, in sub-Antarctic islands (Kerguelen, Macquarie, Adelie and Magellanic Islands: Sieg, 1980b) and Antarctic islands (Greenwich Island: Shiino, 1970; King George Island: Błażewicz-Paszkowycz & Jazdzewski, 1996), in shallow waters between 4 and 20 m depth (Sieg, 1986b).

Monod (1926) described Notototanais magellanicus from the Magellanic region, distinguishing it from N. dimorphus on the conformation of the male cheliped. Sieg (1980b) examined the females collected by Monod, and considered the species to be conspecific. As Sieg could not confirm or otherwise the distinction of the male (the specimen being lost), and as the present material has a longer, narrower cephalothorax and longer pereonites 1 to 3 than N. dimorphus as described by Sieg, it remains possible that N. magellanicus is a distinct species, in which case the present material is likely to belong to that taxon. The recovery of further male material is required to confirm this; however, a number of cryptic species within N. dimorphus sensu Sieg (1980b) is easier to accept than a very widespread single species with little dispersive capability.


Published as part of Esquete, Patricia, Bamber, Roger & Aldea, Cristian, 2012, On some shallow-water Tanaidomorpha (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) of Chilean fjords, with description of a new species of Zeuxoides Sieg, 1980, pp. 38-55 in Zootaxa 3257 on pages 50-51, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.208970


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Nototanaidae Sieg, 1976 sec. Esquete, Bamber & Aldea, 2012


  • Richardson, H. (1906). Sur les Isopodes de l'Expedition Francaise Antarctique. Bulletin du Museum d´Histoire Naturelle. Paris, 12, 187 - 189.
  • Beddard, F. E. (1886 a). Preliminary notice of the Isopoda collected during the voyage of H. M. S " Challenger ". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 26, 97 - 122.
  • Richardson, H, (1908) Isopodes. 2 e Memoire. Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1903 - 1905), Crustaces, 1 - 8
  • Vanhoffen, E. (1914). Die Isopoden der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition, 15, 449 - 598.
  • Monod, T. (1925) Isopodes et amphipodes de l´Expedition Antarctique Belge (S. Y. Belgica). Bulletin du Museum National d´Histoire Naturelle (Paris), 31, 296 - 299.
  • Shiino, S. M. (1970) Paratanaidae collected in Chile Bay, Greenwich Island by the XXII Chilean Antarctic Expedition, with an Apseudes from Porvenir Point, Tierra del Fuego island. Instituto Antartico Chileno, Serie Cientifica, 1 (2), 77 - 122.
  • Lang, K. (1973) Taxonomische und phylogenetische Untersuchungen uber die Tanaidaceen (Crustacea), 8. Die Gattungen Leptochelia Dana, Paratanais Dana, Heterotanais G. O. Sars und Nototanais Richardson Dazu einige Bemerkungen uber die Monokonophora und ein Nachtrag. Zoologica Scripta, 2, 197 - 229.
  • Sieg, J. (1980 b) Revision der gattung Nototanais Richardson, 1906 (Crustacea, Tanaidacea). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 56 (1), 45 - 71.
  • Blazewicz-Paszkowycz, M. & Jazdzewski, K. (1996) A contribution to the knowledge of Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctic. Polish Polar Research, 17 (3 - 4), 213 - 220.
  • Sieg, J. (1986 b). Tanaidacea (Crustacea) von der Antarktis and Subantarktis. II. Tanaidacea gessamelt von Dr. J. W. Wagele wahrend der Deutschen Antarktis expedition 1983. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum der Universitat Kiel, 2 (4), 1 - 80.
  • Monod, T, (1926) Tanaidaces, Isopodes et Amphipodes. Resultats du Voyage de " Belgica " 1897 - 1899, Expedition Antarctique Belge Rapports Scientifiques, Zoologie, 4, 1 - 67.