Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Morellia Nihei & Carvalho, 2009, s.s.


Subgenus Morellia s.s.

Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 405 (as genus). Type species: Morellia agilis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 [= Musca hortorum Fallén, 1817].

Diagnosis. Colouration metallic bluish-black to violaceous; wing without maculae, but with maculae in several Neotropical species. Female with proclinate fronto-orbital usually developed; parafrons setulose on upper half; interfrontal seta absent. Postsutural intra-alars 1; intrapostalar present. Prosternum setulose or bare. Katepisternals 1+2. Wing with the basal portion of stem-vein setulose ventrally (bare in basalis -group); R4+5 setulose dorsally and ventrally; M bent forward towards R4+5 (Fig. 11). Lower calypter enlarged posteriorly, extending under base of scutellum. Subcostal sclerite bare. Male mid femur of some species with a dorsal preapical protuberance bearing a dense set of setulae (Fig. 18). Calcar weak or strong.

Comments. The monophyly of Morellia s.s. was not supported by Nihei and de Carvalho (2007a). A comprehensive phylogenetic study of Morellia s.l. is required to clarify the composition of Morellia s.s., as well as its relationship with other subgenera.

Note on basalis -group: This species-group was indicated as monophyletic by Nihei and de Carvalho (2007a) and is composed so far of two Neotropical species, namely, M. basalis (Walker) and M. paulistensis Pamplona & Mendes.

Distribution (50 species). Afrotropical, Nearctic, Neotropical, Oriental and Palaearctic

References. Afrotropical species: Peris (1961), Zielke (1971), Couri et al. (2006); Australasian: Pont (1973); Nearctic: Huckett (1965); Neotropical: Pamplona and Couri (1995), de Carvalho and Couri (2002); Oriental: Emden (1965), Xue and Chao (1998); Palaearctic: Zimin (1951), Hennig (1964a), Peris and Llorente (1963), Zimin and Elberg (1988), Xue and Chao (1998), Gregor et al. (2002), Shinonaga (2003).


Published as part of Nihei, Silvio Shigueo & Carvalho, Claudio José Barros De, 2009, The Muscini flies of the world (Diptera, Muscidae): identification key and generic diagnoses, pp. 1-24 in Zootaxa 1976 on page 14, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.185153


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Morellia Nihei & Carvalho, 2009


  • Robineau-Desvoidy, J. B. (1830) Essai sur les Myodaires. Memoires presentes par divers savants a l'Academie des sciences de l'Institut de France, 2, 1 - 813.
  • Nihei, S. S. & de Carvalho, C. J. B. (2007 a) Phylogeny and classification of Muscini (Diptera, Muscidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 149, 493 - 532.
  • Peris, S. V. (1961) Una nueva especie de Morellia de Camarones y synopsis de las especies etiopicas (Dipt. Muscidae). Eos, 37, 349 - 359.
  • Zielke, E. (1971) Revision der Muscinae der athiopischen Region. Series Entomologica, 7, 1 - 199.
  • Couri, M. S., Pont, A. C. & Penny, N. D. (2006) Muscidae (Diptera) from Madagascar: identification keys, descriptions of new species, and new records. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 57, 799 - 923.
  • Pont, A. C. (1973) Studies on Australian Muscidae (Diptera). IV. A revision of the subfamilies Muscinae and Stomoxyinae. Australian Journal of Zoology (Supplementary Series), 21, 129 - 296.
  • Huckett, H. C. (1965) The Muscidae of Northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland (Diptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 42, 1 - 370.
  • Pamplona, D. M. & Couri, M. S. (1995) Morellia dendropanacis, a new species, and other species with spotted wings: characterization and comparison (Diptera: Muscidae: Muscinae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 108, 451 - 457.
  • de Carvalho, C. J. B. & Couri, M. S. (2002) Part I. Basal groups. In: de Carvalho, C. J. B. (Ed.), Muscidae (Diptera) of the Neotropical Region: taxonomy. Editora Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, pp. 17 - 132.
  • Emden, F. I. van (1965) Diptera. Vol. 7. Muscidae, Part 1. In: Sewell, R. B. S. & Roonwal, M. L. (Eds), The Fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, 647 pp.
  • Xue, W. & Chao, C., eds. (1998) Flies of China. Vol. 1. Liaoning Science and Technology Press, Shenyang, 1365 pp.
  • Zimin, L. S. (1951) Family Muscidae (Tribes Muscini and Stomoxydini). Fauna USSR (n. s.), 45, 1 - 286.
  • Hennig, W. (1964 a) 63 b. Muscidae. Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region, 7 (Lieferung 248), 961 - 1008.
  • Peris, S. V. & Llorente, V. (1963) Notas sobre Muscini palearticos y revision de las especies espanolas (Diptera, Muscidae). Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural (Seccion Biologica), 61, 209 - 269.
  • Zimin, L. S. & Elberg, K. Y. (1988) Family Muscidae. In: Bei-Bienko, G. Y. (Ed.), Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR. Volume 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera. Part 2. Smithsonian Institution Libraries & National Science Foundation, Washington DC, pp. 839 - 974.
  • Gregor, F., Rozkosny, R., Bartak, M. & Vanhara, J. (2002) The Muscidae (Diptera) of Central Europe. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis (Biologia), 107, 1 - 280.
  • Shinonaga, S. (2003) A monograph of the Muscidae of Japan. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, 347 pp.