Published October 9, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Actinopus azaghal, sp. nov.

  • 1. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Aracnologia, Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, Cep: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brazil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9101 - 8657,
  • 2. Facultad de Ciencias, Sección Entomología, Iguá 4225, 11400, Montevideo, Uruguay. ® myga @ fcien. edu. uy, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4367 - 6276


Actinopus azaghal sp. nov.

Figs 144–148, Map 8

Type material. Holotype male from [15º 27’ S 55º 44’ W], Chapada dos Guimar„es, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 20– 30.xi.2000, C. Strussman leg. (MCTP 11531). Paratypes: BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Cuiabá, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), [15º 36’ 33”S 56º 03’ 49”W], 1♀, 04.vii.2014, M. Meneguzzi leg. (CZUFMT-ARAC); tijucal, [15º 37’ 58”S 56º 00’ 52”W], 1♂, 27.vii.2012, A. Moraes leg. (CZUFMT-ARAC). Minas Gerais: S„o Gonçalo do Rio Preto, Parque Estadual do Rio Preto (PERP), 1♂, 25.x.2010, J. P. L. Guadanucci leg. (CAD 332); 20–25.xi.2010, W. F. Silva leg. (CAD 265); x.2011, A. H. Apolinario & J. P. L. Guadanucci leg. (CAD 613); Diamantina, Parque Estadual do Biribiri, [18º 07’ 13.19” S 43º 34’ 47.69” W], 1♂, 24–29.ix.2012, A. H. Apolinario & J. P. L. Guadanucci leg. (CAD 612); [18º 14’ S 43º 36’ W], 1♂, x.2009, J. P. L. Guadanucci leg. (CAD 17); v.2012 (CAD 480); S„o Paulo: Luiz Antônio, Estaç„o Ecológica de Jataí (EEJ), [21º 36’ 54” S 47º 48’ 02” W], 1♂, 3–7.x.2009, A. G. Cristov „o leg. (IBSP 161478); Rio Grande do Sul: São Francisco de Paula, [29º 26’ S 50º 34’ W], Salto, 2♂, 30.viii.2002, G. M. Petersen leg. (MCTP 13665).

Etymology. Refers to Azaghal (as know as Deive Pazos), producer of a podcast called “Nerdcast”, a Brazilian humorist that provide many hours of laughts, essential for the proper development of this work.

Diagnosis. Males of Actinopus azaghal resemble those of A. longipalpis (Fig. 156 A–C), A. tutu (Fig. 143 A–C), A. pindapoy (Fig. 159 A–C) and A. itacolomi (Fig. 153 A–C) by the presence of three keels in prolateral view of embolus, small total length, and inconspicuous patterns of coloration on legs and palp, when present. They resemble those of A. tutu by PA continuous to PAc and a small serrated area only on proximal part of embolus. They differ from those of those of A. itacolomi by the thinner embolus and swelling above PA absent. A. azaghal is very similar to A. tutu, but differs by BTA dorsally displaced in the prolateral tegulum and more pronounced PA. Also differ from A. argenteus (Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2018, fig. 10 G–I) by BTA dorsally displaced, and PS reaching less than half of width of embolus.

MALE (MCTP 11531): Total length 13.62; Carapace, long 5.5; wide 5.37. Carapace rounded. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior row recurved (Fig. 144 B). With few and sparse short bristles between AME-clypeus, between ALE–ALP, between posterior eyes-fovea and lateral eyes-edge of carapace. Sternum with eight sigilla fused medially, two distal sigilla more fused than others (Fig. 144 C). Rastellum protuberant, inverted V-shaped, hirsute, without spines apically (Fig. 144 E–F). Chelicerae with 13 denticles along prolateral row of teeth. Prolateral row with five megateeth and fou teeth on basal portion. Retrolateral row with five megateeth and two denticles, between the three basal megateeth (Fig. 144 D). Patella and tibia III with distal crown of well-developed thorns, on patella III interrupted in middle and on tibia III not interrupted in middle (Fig. 145 A–B). Patellae III and IV with spines on prolaterodorsal face (Fig. 145 A, C). Tibia IV without spines on dorsal surface (Fig. 145 D). Ventral pseudoscopulae occupying 30% of tarsus I, 50% of II and 100% of III and IV. Pseudoscopula of tarsi I and II with setae spaced, forming diffuse group of bristles; On tarsi III and IV, compact. Carapace, chelicerae, sternum, coxae, trochantera, femora, patellae, tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi dark brown; tibia of pall yellowish-dark-brown, paler than other articles. Abdomen pale bluish-gray with many small spots of unpigmentation (Fig. 144 A). Diameters: PME 0.12, PLE 0.16, ALE 0.36, AME 0.32; MOQ: Length 0.88, front width 2.56, back width 2.28; Interdistances: PME–PME 1.6, PLE–PME 0.12, AME–AME 0.2, ALE–AME 0.68, ALE–PLE 0.48, AME–PME 0.52. Ocular area: OAL 3.87, OAW 3.12, and IF 2.37. Body: Clypeus: 0.25; Fovea: 1.87; Labium: long 1.12; wide 1; Chelicerae: long 2.75; wide 1.62; Sternum: long 3.62; wide 2.5. Abdomen: long 5.62; wide 3.75. Leg measurements: I: Fe 5.5/ Pa 2.5/ Ti 3.25/ Me 4.12/ Ta 2.12/ total 17.5. II: 5.12/ 2.5/ 2.5/ 4.25/ 2.37/ 16.75. III: 4/ 2.37/ 2.5/ 3.75/ 2.75/ 15.37. IV: 5.87/ 2.5/ 4.75/ 4.87/ 2.87/ 20.87. Formula 4123. Spination: I—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v1-1-3, d0, p0-0-1, r0; Me v3-4-4, d0, p1-2-2, r1-0-2; ta v0, d0, p0-0-2, r0. II—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v2-1-3, d0, p0, r1-1-2; Me v3-4-4, d0, p0-0-2, r0; ta v1-0-2, d0, p0-2-2, r0. III—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d3-7-18, p0, r0-0-2; ti v0, d1-0-11, p0-0-2, r0-1-4; Me v0-3-4, d0-0-2, p1-0-1, r1-1-2; ta v0, d0, p1- 0-3, r0-0-2; IV—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d13-10-3, p0, r0; ti v0-0-2, d0, p0, r0; Me v2-2-3, d0, p0-0-1, r0-0-1; ta v0, d0, p0-0-5, r0-0-2. Palp: PA well developed. Embolus with three keels (PAc, PI and PS); Prolateral tegulum with three cups next to the base of the embolus; PA continuous to PI; Embolar bases thin (Fig. 148 A–C).

FEMALE (CZUFMT-ARAC): Total length 21.66; Carapace, long 9.16; wide 8.33. Carapace anterior part square and posterior part triangular. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior row slightly recurved (Fig. 146 B). Many short and long bristles between AME-clypeus, one long bristle between PLE–ALE, many long bristles between posterior eyes-fovea and long bristles between lateral eyes-edge of carapace. Sternum with eight sigilla fused medially, two distal sigilla more fused to each other than others (Fig. 146 C). Rastellum protuberant, subquadrate, hirsute, with a row of short spines on the edge of rastellum and o lot of short spines covering the dorsal rastellum (Fig. 146 E–F). Chelicerae with fourteen denticles between prolateral and retrolateral row of teeth. Prolateral row with five megateeth and two teeth between the three basal megateeth. Retrolateral row with five megateeth and two basal teeth (Fig. 146 D). Patella III with distal interrupted crown of thorns and tibiae III with distal developed crown of thorns (Fig. 147 A–B). Patella IV with prolaterodorsal short spines along extension of article, these spines are more numerous on basal portion (Fig. 147 C). Tibia IV without spines and with long bristles on prolaterodorsal surface (Fig. 147 D). Carapace and chelicerae pale brown; sternum, coxae, trochantera, femora, patellae, tibiae, metatarsi, tarsi and palp yellowish brown; Abdomen pale gray (Fig. 146 A). 24 labial cuspules, 98 on right maxilla and 107 on left. Eyes: Diameters: PME 0.48, PLE 0.4, ALE 0.44, AME 0.24; MOQ: Length 1.32, front width 3.68, back width 3.6; Interdistances: PME–PME 2.08, PLE–PME 2.4, AME–AME 0.44, ALE–AME 1.24, ALE–PLE 0.72, AME–PME 0.72. Ocular area: OAL 6.81, OAW 4.87, and IF 3. Body: Clypeus: 0.32; Fovea: 4; Labium: long 1.81; wide 1.75; Chelicerae: long 4.62; wide 3.25; Sternum: long 5.87; wide 4.87. Abdomen: long 10; wide 8.66. Leg measurements: I: Fe 3.16/ Pa 3.33/ Ti 2.16/ Me 3/ Ta 1.5/ total 13.16. II: 5/ 3.33/ 2.16/ 3.16/ 1.33/ 15. III: 3.66/ 3.83/ 1.33/ 3.33/ 1.16/ 13.33. IV: 6.16/ 4/ 3/ 3.83/ 1.16/ 18.16. Spination: I—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v3- 4-7, d0, p0-0-3, r5-8-5; Me v2-3-4, d0, p4-6-7, r4-12-8; ta v0-4-1, d0, p3-4-2, r3-3-1. II—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v0-3-4, d0, p0, r6-12-07; Me v0-3-4, d0, p1- 7-11, r5-20-9; ta v2-3-4, d0, p4-8-2, r5-4-2. III—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0-0-18, p0-0-2, r0-1-5; ti v0, d1-0-16, p0-0-3, r5-8-5; Me v0-0-2, d5-6-4, p0, r0-8-6; ta v11-12- 31, d1-6-9, p0-2-5, r1-4-4; IV—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d18-18-8, p0, r0; ti v0, d0, p0, r0; Me v0-0-3, d0-0-1, p0- 1-3, r0; ta v5-11-18, d0, p2-5-10, r0-1-3. Spermathecae: Represented by two seminal receptacles weakly fused to base, longer than wide, with short duct. Receptacle with one single lobe. Pore distribution reaching 80% of the length of each receptacle; receptacles base without pores. Lateral swelling absent (Fig. 148 D).

Distribution. BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Chapada dos Guimar„es; Rio Grande do Sul: S„o Francisco de Paula; s„o Paulo: Luiz Antônio; and Minas Gerais: S„o Gonçalo do Rio Preto (Map 8).


Published as part of Miglio, Laura Tavares, Pérez-Miles, Fernando & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2020, Taxonomic Revision of the Spider Genus Actinopus Perty, 1833 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Actinopodidae), pp. 1-256 in Megataxa 2 (1) on pages 161-167, DOI: 10.11646/megataxa.2.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
MCTP 11531, IBSP 161478, MCTP 13665
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Actinopus azaghal Miglio, Pérez-Miles & Bonaldo, 2020


  • Rios-Tamayo, D. & Goloboff, P. A. (2018) Taxonomic revision and morphology of the trapdoor spider genus Actinopus (Mygalomorphae: Actinopodidae) in Argentina. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 419, 1 - 83. https: // doi. org / 10.1206 / 0003 - 0090 - 419.1.1