Published October 9, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Actinopus pinhao, sp. nov.

  • 1. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Aracnologia, Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, Cep: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brazil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9101 - 8657,
  • 2. Facultad de Ciencias, Sección Entomología, Iguá 4225, 11400, Montevideo, Uruguay. ® myga @ fcien. edu. uy, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4367 - 6276


Actinopus pinhao sp. nov.

Figs 30–32, Map 4

Type material. Holotype male from [25° 42’ 32.5764” S 51° 38’ 1.7988” W], Usina Hidroelétrica de Segredo, Pinh „o, Paraná, Brazil, R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg. (MZSP 14718).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition from the type locality name.

Diagnosis. Males of A. pinhao resemble those of A. hirsutus (Fig. 37 A–D) by the hirsute legs (Figs 31 A–D, 37 A–D) and those of A. ducke (Fig. 35 A–C), A. hirsutus (Fig. 38 A–C) and A. jaboticatubas (Fig. 41 A–C) by the wide tegulum with robust basal tegular apophysis, placed medially on prolateral tegular surface (Figs 32 A–C). They are readily recognized by the following combination of characters: serrated area positioned distal to PAc (Fig. 32 A, B); PA continuous to PAc (Fig. 32 A); PA conspicuous; BTA developed (Fig. 32 A–C). Additionally, they differ from those of all other species on the group pinhao by the proximal surface of BTA with a swelling (Fig. 32 A).

MALE (MZSP 14718): Total length 13.27; Carapace, long 6.18; wide 6.83. Carapace anterior part tapering and slightly rounded. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior row recurved (Fig. 30 B). Many bristles on ocular area, between AME-clypeus, between lateral eyes-edge of carapace, between lateral eyes and on interdistances PME–PME and PLE–PLE. Sternum with eight inconspicuous sigilla fused medially, two distal sigilla more fused than others (Fig. 30 C). Rastellum protuberant, subtriangular, hirsute, without spines apically (Fig. 30 E–F). Denticles arranged in two rows along prolateral row of teeth. Retrolateral row decreasing in distal-proximal way, with two denticles on the edge of basal part (Fig. 30 D). Patella and tibia III with distal crown of well-developed thorns, not interrupted in middle (Fig. 31 A–B). Patella III with spines on distal part of prolateral face. Patella III and IV with spines on prolaterodorsal face, and one spine dorsal (Fig. 31 A, C). Tibia IV without spines on dorsal surface (Fig. 31 D). Ventral pseudoscopulae for full of tarsi III and IV and 33% of metatarsi IV. Hirsute legs. Carapace and chelicerae dark reddish-brown; sternum and legs reddish-brown; Abdomen pale gray (Fig. 30 A). Eyes: Diameters: PME 0.29, PLE 0.43, ALE 0.41, AME 0.34; MOQ: Length 1.2, front width 2.11, back width 0.96; Interdistances: PME–PME 1.8, PLE–PME 0.12, AME–AME 0.28, ALE–AME 0.75, ALE–PLE 0.54, AME–PME 0.68. Ocular area: OAL 5.03, OAW 3.7, and IF 4.92. Body: Clypeus: 0.26; Fovea: 3.09; Labium: long 1.83; wide 1.39; Chelicerae: long 3.98; wide 2.19; Sternum: long 4.18; wide 4.03. Abdomen: long 6.48; wide 5.48. Leg measurements: I: Fe 6.69/ Pa 2.56/ Ti 3.53/ Me 4.45/ Ta 3.01/ total 20.24. II: 6.55/ 2.79/ 4.3/ 5.01/ 3.06/ 21.71. III: 5.18/ 2.98/ 2.64/ 5.48/ 3.41/ 19.69. IV: 6.94/ 3.08/ 5.58/ 6.14/ 4.09/ 25.83. Spination: I—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v0, d0, p0, r0; Me v0, d0, p0, r0; ta v0, d0, p0-1-0, r0-3-4. II—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v0, d0, p0, r0; Me v0, d0, p0, r0-0-3; ta v0, d0, p0-2-3, r1-2-6. III—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0- 2-27, p0, r0-0-4; ti v0, d0-0-16, p0, r0; Me v0-0-2, d0, p1- 0-4, r0-0-2; ta v0-0-8, d0, p0-3-4, r0-0-5; IV—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, dx, p3-4-1, r0; ti v0, dx, p0, r0; Me v1-1-2, dx, p1-2-11, r0-0-3; ta v0-0-5, d15-17-9, p2-7-9, r1-6-8. Palp: BTA developed and placed medially on prolateral tegular surface, embolus with three keels (PAc, PS and PI) on dorsal and retrolateral faces. PAc on retrolateral face, continuous to distal part of embolus. PS inconspicuous on dorsal face (Fig. 32 B). Serrated area poorly developed and distal to PAc, evident on three views, continuous to proximal part of PAc. Tegulum robust, with PA developed and proximal part of tegulum, above to PA with a swelling (Fig. 32 A–C).

Distribution. BRAZIL. Paraná (Map 4).


Published as part of Miglio, Laura Tavares, Pérez-Miles, Fernando & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2020, Taxonomic Revision of the Spider Genus Actinopus Perty, 1833 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Actinopodidae), pp. 1-256 in Megataxa 2 (1) on pages 37-39, DOI: 10.11646/megataxa.2.1.1,


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Collection code
Material sample ID
MZSP 14718
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Taxonomic concept label
Actinopus pinhao Miglio, Pérez-Miles & Bonaldo, 2020