Published September 30, 2021 | Version Draft
Project deliverable Open

TRIPLE Deliverable: D5.5 Report on the Open Annotation Tool


We present here the work done in task T5.5, dedicated to the development and the integration of the Open Annotation Tool. Its purpose is to provide GoTriple's users with a service that they can directly exploit in their daily activities of research: it allows in fact to “take notes” (highlights, comments, tags but also semantic annotations) on web content, in particular on web pages, seen via a standard browser, and, soon, also on PDF documents.
This tool, which is one of TRIPLE’s Innovative Services, wasn’t developed from scratch but it leveraged the almost decennal experience of TRIPLE's partner Net7 with its web annotation tool Pundit. During this first part of TRIPLE, a large effort was dedicated to significantly refactor Pundit’s technology, whose state, at the beginning of the project, was outdated. New features have been also developed and the integration with the GoTriple Discovery Portal fulfilled: with Pundit, users can “take notes” on the content discovered through GoTriple and receive in their MyGoTriple page the main notifications regarding their annotations, for example if they have received a reply or a like (or dislike).
This document starts by describing the characteristics of Pundit, especially its most distinguished feature which is the support of semantic annotations, and its positioning in the context of the TRIPLE project. Its updated architecture is presented in detail, together with the technical strategy that has been designed and implemented for integrating Pundit in GoTriple. A report of the development work done in T5.5 in the past months follows. Finally, an outline of the multiple, and diverse, activities to carry on in the next period of TRIPLE is provided. In particular, areas where task T5.5 efforts will be focused include developing new annotation functionalities, increasing users’ adoption, distributing the new Pundit software code with an Open Source license and identifying exploitation models and sustainability strategies.


The deliverable awaits official approval by the Project Officer. --- The TRIPLE project (, which is financed under the Horizon 2020 framework (, under Grant Agreement No. 863420, with approx. 5.6 million Euros for a duration of 42 months (2019-2023). --- At the heart of the project is the development of the GoTriple platform (, an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution.


D5.5 Report on the Open Annotation Tool_TRIPLE.pdf

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TRIPLE – Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration 863420
European Commission