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Published October 29, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Chromato-mass-spectrometric research in Salvia grandiflora L., Salvia pratensis L. and Salvia verticillata L. aboveground organs

  • 1. National University of Pharmacy
  • 2. Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • 3. I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • 4. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The genus Salvia L. has more than 900 species distributed throughout the globe. 21 species are growing in Ukraine. All species of this genus have essential oils. Salvia officinalis and Salvia sclarea have been used in the culture and are widely used in medical practice. The chemical composition of other species of sage and the possibility of their use in pharmaceutical and medical practice are almost not studied. Taking into account the results of chemotaxonomic studies of species of the flora genus of Ukraine, their prevalence and prospects for introduction into the culture, for further studies were selected raw materials of S. grandiflora, S. pratensis and S. verticillata.

The aim. The aim of the study was to conduct a chromato-mass spectrometric study of the aboveground organs of S. grandiflora L., S. pratensis L. and S. verticillata L. to establish the prospects for the use of raw materials of these species in medical and pharmaceutical practice.

Materials and methods. The objects of the study were leaves of S. officinalis, leaves, stems and flowers of S. grandiflora, S. pratensis and S. verticillata, which were harvested on the basis of the botanical garden of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The research of volatile substances in the objects of the research was carried out by the method of GC-MS on the basis of the Department of Natural Sciences for Foreign Students and Toxicological Chemistry of Zaporizhia State Medical University.

Results. As a result of the study, 243 substances were found in the objects of the study, of which 149 were identified. 77 substances were found in the leaves of S. officinalis, 80, 26 and 63 substances in the leaves, stems and flowers of S. grandiflora, respectively, in the leaves , stems and flowers of S. pratensis – 28, 30 and 48 substances, respectively, in leaves, stems and flowers of S. verticillata – 39, 22 and 39 substances, respectively. Dominant compounds among substances of terpenoid nature are: cyclofenchene, camphene, 1,8-cineole, α-thujone, β-thujone, camphor borneol, caryophyllene, humulene, viridiflorol, sabinene, pyranone, β-pinene, phytol, kolavenol, β-copaen, loliolide, pseudolimonene and spatulenol. Among the dominant substances, 8 were detected for the first time in these species: cyclofenchene, viridiflorol, sabinene, pyranone, phytol, kolavenol, loliolide and pseudolimonene.

Conclusions. The leaves of S. officinalis, leaves, stems and flowers of S. grandiflora, S. pratensis and S. verticillata of the flora of Ukraine were studied by chromato-mass spectrometric method. As a result of the study, 243 substances were identified, of which 149 were identified. Promising raw materials containing terpene compounds for S. grandiflora there are leaves, and for S. pratensis and S. verticillata – flowers, so they are promising agents for introduction into pharmaceutical practice


Chromato-mass-spectrometric research in Salvia grandiflora L., Salvia pratensis L. and Salvia verticillata L. aboveground organs.pdf

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