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Published October 30, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Raja Rammohan Roy as a Pionears of Bengal Renaissance

  • 1. Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Education, Asannagar, Madan Mohan Tarkalankar College, India


Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a great socio-religious reformer. He was born in a Brahmin family on 10th May, 1772 at Radhanagar, in Hoogly district of Bengal (now West Bengal). Ramakanto Roy was his father. His mother’s name was Tarini. He was one of the key personalities of “Bengal Renaissance”. He is known as the “Father of Indian Renaissance”. He re-introduced the Vedic philosophies, particularly the Vedanta from the ancient Hindu texts of Upanishads. He made a successful attempt to modernize the Indian society.


IJAHSS 1(1) 71-74.pdf

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