Published February 15, 2019 | Version v1
Report Open

Safe Supply Concept Document

  • 1. (CAPUD)


This report is a general outline of the “safe supply” concept, of what safe supply is, and the role of

safe supply in drug policy. The purpose of this document is to provide clarity to what is meant by the

term “safe supply” with a mind to keeping conversations on point when safe supply and drug policy

are being discussed.

The safe supply ideas set out in this report are meant to be examples of how they could be provided

and are not meant to form a comprehensive guideline for designing a safe supply system. Safe

supply program designers should be creative and thoughtful to the needs/wants of the drug using

population being served. The thoughtful approach to safe supply requires thinking as economists

to imagine policies and programs that will truly appeal to those who would otherwise prefer to

consume drugs purchased on the illicit market.


CAPUD safe supply English March 3 2019.pdf

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