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Published November 1, 2021 | Version v1
Report Open

Maternity Waiting Homes in Papua New Guinea: A Grassroots Solution to A Health Service Delivery Problem?: Literature review.

  • 1. PAIGA


Paigatasa’s village committee have requested financial support from PAIGA for land purchase in Goroka to establish a maternity waiting home (MWH) for village women. This paper reviews the literature on MWHs to determine effectiveness, cost-benefit, acceptability/utilisation factors, sustainability, benefits/opportunities and challenges of this intervention for Paigatasa community, and for the PNG health system in general, to answer the question: Could maternity waiting homes be one health system solution to the problem of maternity service access and high maternal and neonatal mortality in PNG?


Maternity Waiting Homes in Papua New Guinea_ A Grassroots Solution to A Health Service Delivery Problem.pdf