Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Epiclopus lendlianus Friese 1910


Epiclopus lendlianus (Friese, 1910)

(Figures 19−27, 39, 43, 48 and 50)

Melissa (Epicoplus) lendliana Friese, 1910. 644, 657, 658 (Original description); Rasmussen & Ascher, 2008. 65 (List).

Melissa friesei Herbst, 1918. 150−152 (Original description); Snelling & Brooks, 1985. 23 (Synonymy).

Mesonychium frieseanum, Izquierdo, 1923. 241 (Distribution, host); Pérez-D’Angello, 1968. 5 (Mimetism with Centris cineraria); Snelling & Brooks, 1985. 23 (Synonymy); Chiappa et al., 2000. 23 (Host).

Mesonychium friseanum [sic], Janvier, 1933. 326 (Morphology, host); Wagenknecht, 1969. 171, 172 (Synonymy, distribution, bionomy, floral records, host, comparative note with Centris cineraria (uncertain identity)); Wagenknecht, 1971. 282, 283, 285 (Hosts).

Mesonychium Frieseanum [sic], Ruiz, 1940. 331 (Distribution, host).

Mesonychium lendlianum, Lucas, 1914. 178 (Cited); Snelling & Brooks, 1985. 22 (Cited); Toro, 1986a. 128 (List); Camousseight & Barrera, 1998. 78 (Distribution).

Mesonychium landlianum [sic], Chiappa et al., 2000. 22 (Probable host record (uncertain identity)).

Epiclopus lendlianus, Michener, 2007: 766 (Morphology, new combination); Montalva et al., 2010. 16, 17 (List, distribution, hosts, floral records).

Epiclopus lendlianum [sic], Moure & Melo, 2007: 161 (Taxonomy, distribution); Rasmussen & Ascher, 2008. 65 (List, taxonomy); Rocha-Filho et al., 2009. 301 (Hosts); Montalva & Ruz, 2010. 46 (List).

Epiclopus lendliana [sic], Friese, 1921. 266 (Key); Michener, 2007: 763 (Morphology of adult).

Abromelissa lendliana, Snelling & Brooks, 1985. 19, 23, 29, 31 (Hosts, new combination, comparative notes with Epiclopus gayi and E. wagenknechti (both cited in Mesonychium), distribution, synonymies, figure, terminal taxon in phylogenetic analysis).

Abromelissa lendlianum [sic], Snelling & Brooks, 1985. 24 (Figures of male genitalia).

Taxonomic decision for synonymy: Snelling & Brooks (1985).

Redescription. Male (Figs. 21–26 and 43). Measurements: Approximate body length: 13.6; head width: 4.3; thorax width: 6.0; forewing length: 11.1. Coloration: Integument dark brown to black (Figs. 21 and 22). Central portion of mandible mahogany (Fig. 21). Legs brown. Flagellum grayish brown. Wing membranes yellowish with brown veins (Fig. 22). Metasoma brown with intense bluish metallic reflections (Fig. 22). Surface sculpture: Integument with fine and dense punctation on clypeus, with smooth wide lower margin. Paraocular area with similar punctation, although slightly coarser and more sparse. Supraclypeal area and frons with coarser punctures. Labrum finely areolate with very irregular surface and coarse and scattered punctation, lower margin impunctate. Mesoscutum with coarse and dense punctation, with areolate-rugose surface towards the posterior margin. Mesoscutellum areolate-rugose with coarse punctures. Mesepisternum areolate-rugose on the lateral surface, with fine and dense punctures. T1-T3 with fine, sparse and uniform punctation, with some coarse and scattered punctures intermixed. T4 and T5 with similar punctation, but coarser. Pubescence: Dark brown to black, with bluish reflections on legs (Figs. 21 and 22). Vertex, mesoscutum, mesoscutellum, area below the wings of the mesepisternum, tegula and dorsal surface of T1 with whitish, long, branched and dense pilosity (Fig. 22). T2-T7 and metasomal sterna with short and plumose pilosity mixed with some long and simple hairs. Structures: Mandible slightly curved with a preapical tooth near apex of apical tooth (Figs. 21 and 43). Maxillary palpus with three palpomeres (2nd>3rd>1st). Smooth, lower margin of clypeus strongly angled at sides (Fig. 43). Epistomal suture concave between anterior tentorial pits. Labrum relatively rectangular with convex distal margin. Surface irregular with a central depression bounded by a semicircular premarginal carina near the lower edge (Fig. 43). Area between lateral ocellus and compound eye concave (frontal view) (Fig. 21). Mid tibial spur rectangular and bifurcate, with the posterior apex projected upward. Mesoscutum with a longitudinal median depression. Mesoscutellum with two spine-like projections oriented upward posteriorly on the dorsal surface. Axilla strongly raised. Claws with preapical tooth of apex acute. Apex of T7 slightly biconvex.

Female (Figs. 19, 20, 39, 48 and 50). Measurements: Approximate body length: 13.5; head width: 4.5; thorax width: 6.0; forewing length: 10.9. Coloration: Integument dark brown to black (Figs. 19 and 20). Central portion of the mandible mahogany (Fig. 19). Legs brownish. Flagellum grayish brown. Wing membranes yellowish, veins brown (Fig. 20). Metasoma with intense metallic blue reflections (Fig. 20). Surface sculpture: Integument with fine and very dense punctation on clypeus and paraocular area. Clypeus with smooth lower margin, wider towards the sides. Supraclypeal area and frons with coarse and slightly scattered punctures. Integument smooth near the subantennal suture. Labrum areolate with very irregular surface and coarse and sparse punctation. Mesoscutum areolate-rugose towards the posterior margin, with coarse and dense punctation. Mesoscutellum areolate-rugose. Mesepisternum areolate-rugose on the lateral surface. T1 with fine, scattered and uniform punctures. T2 with similar punctation, but denser, mixed with some coarse and scattered punctures. T3-T5 with similar punctation, but denser. Pubescence: Dark brown except vertex, mesoscutum, mesoscutellum, area below the wings of the mesepisternum, tegula and T1 with whitish, long, branched and dense pubescence (Figs. 19 and 20) or light yellow in some specimens from southern Argentina and Chile. Metasoma with short and branched pilosity mixed with long and simple hairs. Structures: Flabellum elliptical. Mandible slightly curved apically with a short preapical tooth near to the apex of the apical tooth (Fig. 19). Maxillary palpus with three palpomeres (2nd>3rd>1st). Epistomal suture relatively straight between anterior tentorial pits. Labrum relatively rectangular with irregular and widely convex lower margin. Surface with a central depression delimited by a semicircular premarginal carina near the lower margin. Area between lateral ocellus and compound eye concave (frontal view) (Fig. 19). Mid tibial spur with bifurcate apex. Mesoscutum with a longitudinal median depression. Mesoscutellum with two spine-like projections oriented upward. Axilla strongly raised. Posterior distal end of middle basitarsus with a spine-like projection. Claws with preapical tooth truncate at apex. Pygidial plate with widely rounded apex and relatively parallel lateral margins not delimited by carinae.

Comment. As originally mentioned by Friese (1912), the specimens from Argentina and southern Chile have yellow pubescence on mesoscutum and mesoscutellum, instead of the white pilosity found in other Chilean specimens. This feature seems to be only intraspecific variation, also observed in other species with similar distribution range (see Vivallo, 2013). On the other hand, apparently there are differences at the molecular level of the populations present in these two areas (Packer, personal communication), which may indicate that both correspond to different species. However, in the morphological study of the specimens were not found additional features to confirm this idea. Further studies involving larger series of specimens collected in these two areas as well as the study of male genitalia of specimens collected in Argentina could provide new information that sheds light on this situation.

Male genitalia. See figures 23–26.

Type material. Melissa (Epicoplus) lendliana: syntypes male and female (ZMB). Lectotype male here designated with the following information: Dr. Lendl Adolf Neuquen 1902 [whitish label]\ Type [red label]\ Melissa lendliana ♂ Fr. [handwritten] 1909 Friese, det. [white label]\ Zool. Mus. Berlin [yellow label]\ Lectotype Melissa (Epicoplus) lendliana Friese, 1910 F. Vivallo des., 2014. Melissa friesei: holotype female with the following information: Chile Olmué provincia Valparaiso 29.IX.1917 P. Herbst [“Olmué 29.IX. ” and “7” handwritten] [light yellow label]\ P. Herbst Collection [white label]\ M. friesei [indecipherable writting] mit Centris cineraria Sm. ♀ [handwritten white label]\ Type 17212 [red label]\ Melissa friesei ♀ P. Herbst Type! [white label handwritten]\ in floribus Oxalis laxa Hook et arn. [whitish label handwritten]\ MCZ-ENT 0 0 0 17212 [white label]\ MCZ Image Database [white label] (MCZ, examined). There is a female housed at MCZ with the following information: “ Chile Olmué 7.X.1922 [whitish label with “Olmué 7.X ” and “22” handwritten] \ aus Zelle von Centris cineraria Sm. erhalten. [handwritten white label]\ P. Herbst Collection [white label]\ M.C.Z. Type 23336 [red label]\ Mesonychium frieseanum ♀ P. Herbst [handwritten white label]\ MCZ-ENT 00023335” [white label]. Despite this specimen is labeled as type, it cannot be considered part of the type series because the collecting data is after the description of the species.

Type localities. Melissa (Epicoplus) lendliana: Argentina: Neuquén. Melissa friesei: Chile: Olmué.

Floral records. See table 1.

Hosts. Centris (Wagenknechtia) cineraria (Friese, 1912 †; Herbst, 1918 †; Izquierdo, 1923; Janvier, 1933; Ruiz, 1940; Wagenknecht, 1969, 1971; Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Chiappa et al., 2000 †; Vivallo et al., 2002; Rocha- Filho et al., 2009†; Montalva et al., 2010†). Centris (Wagenknechtia) orellanai (Wagenknecht, 1969, 1971; Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Rocha-Filho et al., 2009 †). Centris (Wagenknechtia) rhodophthalma (Wagenknecht, 1969, 1971; Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Chiappa et al., 2000 †; Rocha-Filho et al., 2009 †). Centris (Paracentris) nigerrima (Wagenknecht, 1971 † Snelling & Brooks, 1985 †; Rocha-Filho et al., 2009 †). Centris (Penthemisia) chilensis (Montalva et al., 2010†).

Distribution (Fig. 27). ARGENTINA: NEUQUÉN: Neuquén (Friese, 1910, 1912; Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Moure & Melo, 2007; Montalva & Ruz, 2010). *Catan Lil. *Parque Nacional Lanín. *Rinconada. * RÍO NEGRO: Cerro Leones. * SANTA CRUZ: Las Heras, Los Antiguos. CHILE (Montalva & Ruz, 2010): * III ATACAMA: Copiapó. IV COQUIMBO: (Snelling & Brooks, 1985). Baños del Pangue, Condoriaco, Cuesta de Pajonales, El Trapiche (Río Choros), Embalse La Laguna, Mina Guanaco, Mineral Las Breas, Termas del Toro (Wagenknecht, 1969). Hurtado, Varillar (Chiappa et al., 2000). *Illapel. *Tololo. V VALPARAÍSO: (Friese, 1912; Wagenknecht, 1969; Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Moure & Melo, 2007). Limache (Izquierdo, 1923; Ruiz, 1940; Wagenknecht, 1971). Olmué (Herbst, 1918; Wagenknecht, 1969). Valparaíso (Herbst, 1918). *Colliguay. *Los Andes. *Piscicultura. *Quillota (Parque Nacional La Campana). *Viña del Mar (Quinta Vergara). VII MAULE: Curicó (Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Moure & Melo, 2007). *El Coligual. Los Queñes. *Valle Pequenes. VIII BIOBÍO: Ñuble (Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Moure & Melo, 2007). *Queuco. *Termas de Chillán. XI AYSÉN DEL GENERAL CARLOS IBÁÑEZ DEL CAMPO: Aysén (Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Moure & Melo, 2007). * XII MAGALLANES Y DE LA ANTÁRTICA CHILENA: Laguna Amarga. XIII REGIÓN METROPOLITANA: (Wagenknecht, 1969; Snelling & Brooks, 1985; Moure & Melo, 2007). La Parva (Camousseight & Barrera, 1998). Santiago (Montalva et al., 2010). *El Canelo. *El Clarillo. * El Roble. *Guayacán. *Peñalolén. *Vega de Las Vacas. XIV LOS RÍOS: Valdivia (Snelling & Brooks, 1985).

Material examined. ARGENTINA: NEUQUÉN: 1 female: Arg-Neuquen Rinconada G. R. leg (DZUP). 1 female: XII-1952 S. M. Andes P. Nac. Lanín L. Schajovskoi\ Mesonychium sp Apidae (MLP). 1 male and 1 female: 7.XI 1955 Catan Lil Pa. Neuquen leg A. Giai (MLP). RÍO NEGRO: 1 male: p: Fecha: 19/11/06 Lugar: Co. Leones Col: Silvia Martinez Obs: Anarthrophyllum stri. (MLP). SANTA CRUZ: 1 female: Argentina, Santa Cruz 23 km W. of Las Heras S46.36.827 W069.38.394 382m 16.xi.03 L. Packer\ CCDB-15258-C01 (PCYU). 1 female: Argentina Santa Cruz 20km E. of Los Antiguos S46.36.595 W071.21.472 237m 17.xi.03 L Packer\ CCDB-15258-C02 (PCYU). 1 female: Argentina Santa Cruz 20km E. of Los Antiguos S46.36.595 W071.21.472 237m 17.xi.03 L Packer\ CCDB-15258-C03 (PCYU). 1 female: Argentina Santa Cruz 10km E. of Los Antiguos S46.36.432 W071.09.600 288m 17.xi.03 L Packer\ B 1399/1406-G08 (PCYU). CHILE: 1 female: Chile \ Mesonychium lendlianum (Fr.) Det. J.S. Moure 1957 (DZUP). ATACAMA: 1 female: Chile Region III SE of Copiapó -27.76564, - 70.15947 779m, 29.ix.2013, L. Packer (PCYU). IV COQUIMBO: 1 male: Baños del Toro 7-I-50 (DZUP). 1 female: Embalse La Laguna 10-I-40 \ Mesonychium lendlianum (Fr.) P. Moure 1952 (DZUP). 1 female: HYMNRJ 000019\ Hda Illapel Chile 5 XI 58 L. Pena 900m (MNRJ). 1 male: IV Región Las Breas 22-X-1989 \ H. Toro G. col. Chile (MNRJ). 1 female: Las Breas Coquimbo XII-1958 \ De la Hoz Chile (MNRJ). 1 female: Chile: Region IV 1.1 km S on road to Tololo Obs. N - 30.0357 E -70.8151 12.x.2009 Net J. Gibbs PCYU-JG09-33 (PCYU). V VALPARAÍSO: 1 male: Los Andes 19-IX-58 col. R. de Toro (MNRJ). 1 female: HYMNRJ 000020\ Piscicultura Ac. 22-XI-59 Chile Pena (MNRJ). 1 male: HYMNRJ 000021\ V. R. Qta. Vergara 13-9-01 F. Vivallo, col (MNRJ). VII MAULE: 1 male: HYMNRJ 000022\ El Coigual [sic= Coligual] CU Chile, X-XI- 55 L. E. Pena (MNRJ). 1 female: HYMNRJ 000023\ El Coigual [sic= Coligual] CU Chile, X-XI- 55 L. E. Pena (MNRJ). 1 male and 6 females: El Coigual [sic= Coligual] CU Chile X-XI- 55 L. E. Pena (DZUP). 1 female: Coleção Campos Seabra\ El Coigual [sic= Coligual] Curico Chile Out/ Nov. 1955 L. Peña (DZUP). 1 female: HYMNRJ 000024\ Coleção Campos Seabra\ El Coigual [sic= Coligual] Curicó-Chile Out./ Nov. 1955 L. Peña (MNRJ). 1 female: VII Región Los Queñes 31-X-1983 \ Megunacelaya col. Chile (PUCV). 1 female: Chile Curicó Los Queñes Noviembre 1991 \ H. Toro Colector (MNRJ). 1 female: HYMNRJ 000025\ Coleção Campos Seabra\ Valle Pequenes R. Blanco Chile Novembro 1958 Luiz Pena (MNRJ). 2 females: Chile Quillota Campanas Nat. Park 32°932’S 71°078’W 250m, 2- 10.i.2000 M. Irwin, MT (PCYU). 1 female: Chile, Region V Colliguay, camping S33° 10.81 W 71°10.33’ 20.x.2002 J. Grixti & A. Zayed (PCYU). VIII BIOBÍO: 1 male: VIII Regi. Queuco 7-XI-85 \ De la Hoz U. col. Chile (MNRJ). 1 female: Chile Region VIII nr Termas de Chillan 11.xii.06 L. Packer\ Epiclopus lendlianus (Friese) det Packer 07\ B09987-G6 Bees of Chile 552 (PCYU). XII MAGALLANES Y DE LA ANTÁRTICA CHILENA: 1 female: HYMNRJ 000026\ Coleção Campos Seabra\ Laguna Amarga Magallanes Chile Dezembro 1960 L. Pena\ Laguna Amarga Magallanes 16/ 20-dic. 1960 (MNRJ). XIII REGIÓN METROPOLITANA: 1 female: HYMNRJ 000027\ El Canelo 8-XII-1952 (MNRJ). 1 female: El Clarillo 1800.2200 XI.19.53 Chile LE Pena\ Mesonychium lendlianum Friese Det. J.S. Moure 1957 (DZUP). 1 female: Guayacan Stgo. 29.IX.46 J Herrera. Chile (DZUP). 1 female: Peñalolen 14-XII-1952 (MNRJ). 1 female: Santiago Chile-XI-50 (DZUP). 1 female: 11\ Vega de las Vacas La Parva Santiago 3000m 5-7/1/1979 Leg. A. Camousseight\ Mesonychium lendlianum (Friese, 1910) (MHNS). 1 female: 19\ Vega de las Vacas La Parva Santiago 3000m 5-7/1/1979 Leg. A. Camousseight\ Mesonychium lendlianum (Friese, 1910) (MHNS). 1 female: 27\ Vega de las Vacas La Parva Santiago 3000m 5-7/1/1979 Leg. A. Camousseight\ Mesonychium lendlianum (Friese, 1910) (MHNS). 1 female: 48B\ Vega de las Vacas La Parva Santiago 3000m 17-19/1/1980 Leg. A. Camousseight\ Mesonychium lendlianum (Friese, 1910) (MHNS). 1 female: 66B\ Vega de las Vacas La Parva Santiago 3000m 17-19/1/1980 Leg. A. Camousseight\ Mesonychium lendlianum (Friese, 1910) (MHNS). 2 females: Chile Region Metropolitano [sic=Metropolitana] Cerro Roble, nr. Til-til 18.xi.01 L. Packer (PCYU). 1 female: El Roble\ B10037-H02 Bees of Chile 750 (PCYU).


Published as part of Vivallo, Felipe, 2014, Taxonomic revision of the cleptoparasitic bee genus Epiclopus Spinola, 1851 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Ericrocidini), pp. 41-70 in Zootaxa 3857 (1) on pages 52-56, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3857.1.2,


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Epiclopus lendlianus Friese, 1910 sec. Vivallo, 2014


  • Friese, H. (1910) Zur Bienenfauna des sudlichen Argentinien (Hym.). Zoologische Jahrbucher, Abteilung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 29, 641 - 660.
  • Rasmussen, C. & Ascher, J. S. (2008) Heinrich Friese (1860 - 1948): Names proposed and notes on a pioneer melittologist (Hymenoptera, Anthophila). Zootaxa, 1833, 1 - 118.
  • Herbst, P. (1918) Nuevas avispas antofilas de Chile (Apidae. Hymenoptera). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 22, 149 - 152.
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  • Izquierdo, V. (1923) Sociedad Entomologica de Chile (Sesion del 9 de Diciembre de 1923). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 27, 225 - 241.
  • Chiappa, E., Bascunan, R. & Rodriguez, S. (2000) Nidificacion, conducta de machos de Centris (Wagenknechtia) rodophthalma Perez (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) y comparacion con otras especies chilenas del genero. Acta Entomologica Chilena, 24, 19 - 28.
  • Janvier, H. (1933) Etude biologique de quelques hymenopteres du Chili. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie et Biologie Animale, 16, 209 - 356.
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  • Ruiz, F. (1940) Apidologia Chilena. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 44, 281 - 377.
  • Lucas, R. (1914) Hymenoptera fur 1913. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 6, 1 - 401.
  • Toro, H. (1986 a) Lista preliminar de los apidos chilenos. Acta Entomologica Chilena, 13, 121 - 132.
  • Camousseight, A. & Barrera, E. (1998) Analisis del polen transportado por insectos estivales en el sector de La Parva, Cordillera de Santiago. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 25, 77 - 81.
  • Michener, C. D. (2007) The Bees of the World. (2 nd Edition). Johns Hopkins University Press, xvi + 953 pp.
  • Rocha-Filho, L. C., Morato, E. F. & Melo, G. A. R. (2009) New host records of Aglaomelissa duckei and a compilation of host associations of Ericrocidini bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zoologia, 26, 299 - 304. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1590 / S 1984 - 46702009000200012
  • Montalva, J. & Ruz, L. (2010) Actualizacion de la lista sistematica de las abejas chilenas (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 35, 15 - 52.
  • Friese, H. (1921) Neue Arten der Schmarotzerbienen. Deutsche Entomologie Zeitschrift, 1920 (1 / 2), 251 - 266.
  • Friese, H. (1912) Neue und wenig bekannte Bienenarten der neotropischen Region. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Abteilung A, 78, 198 - 226.
  • Vivallo, F. (2013) Revision of the bee subgenus Centris (Wagenknechtia) Moure, 1950 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Centridini). Zootaxa, 3683 (5), 501 - 537. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3683.5.1
  • Vivallo, F., Zanella, F. C. V. & Toro, H. (2002) Las especies chilenas de Centris (Wagenknechtia) Moure, 1950 (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Acta Entomologica Chilena, 26, 59 - 80.