Published October 29, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

RESISTIRE D5.2 Report on open studios cycle 1

  • 1. Yellow Window
  • 1. European Science Foundation
  • 2. Yellow Window
  • 3. Sabanci university
  • 4. Örebro University


This report provides an overview of the four Open Studios that were conducted in the first cycle of the RESISTIRÉ project and their respective results. The Open Studios constitute the co-creation step in the RESISTIRÉ process, with results from the first research cycle (WP2-4) being interpreted in this multidisciplinary format. The Open Studios are action-oriented, which means that their ultimate output consists of ideas for concrete action (which can be put into practice through pilot projects), input for recommendations to reshape policies, and unanswered questions (missing insights or knowledge) that can form the foundation of a future research agenda.


D5.2 RESISTIRE_Report on open studios cycle 1.pdf

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European Commission
RESISTIRE – RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies 101015990