Published November 1, 2021 | Version v1
Project milestone Open

Junior research group 'GreenEquityHEALTH' - Factsheet III: Multi-method assessment of urban green spaces under global change.


In times of climate change and the global environmental crisis, socioeconomic challenges like urbanization need to be addressed hand in hand with nature and no longer at its expense. Nature-based solutions such as urban parks have become a popular instrument in science and practice. Improved health is a major outcome of their preservation, improvement and expansion. Equal accessibility to urban green for all city dwellers in response to different demands is crucial to generate liveable neighbourhoods with a high quality of life. The identification of the various needs of city dwellers, impeding usage barriers and future potentials of urban green spaces based on a scientific foundation helps city planning and decision making to meet the challenges deriving from global change while benefiting both the health of people and the natural environment. The interdisciplinary research project GreenEquityHEALTH addresses these needs by applying a multitude of methods to assess the functions of green spaces in the city of Leipzig (Germany).

Here we publish our third factsheet of the project, including an English and a German version.


GreenEquityHealth factsheet03ENG.pdf

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